长城阅读短文 关于长城的英语短文阅读



After Emperor Qin Shi Huang united the separate states, he restored, linked up and extended the city walls built by the former states into huge military defensive works which started from the Liaodong Peninsula in the east and ended at Lintao in the west. This is the world-famous Great Wall. It is one of the important wonders of the world, consisting of hundreds of passes,fortresses, towers and walls. Beacon towers are built at certain intervals to give the alarm if enemies approach. The parts of the Great Wall situated at Badaling, Mutianyu and Simatai in Beijing were all constructed during the Ming Dynasty. Nowadays, the Great Wall attracts a great many tourists from home and abroad each year. It is an artistically extraordinary cultural relic and historic site as well as the crystalisation of Chinese people's great strength and wisdom.

秦始皇(Emperor Qin Shi Huang)统一各国后,修复、连接并扩展了先前各国修建的城墙,将其建成巨大的军事防御工程,东起辽东半岛(Liaodong Peninsula),西至临洮。这就是举世闻名的万里长城。长城是世界一大奇迹,由数百关隘(pass)、堡垒(fortress)、塔楼和城墙构成。每隔一定距离,就建一个烽火台,敌人接近时,发出警报。位于北京的八达岭长城、慕田峪长城和司马台长城都建于明朝时期。如今,长城每年都吸引着众多国内外游客前来参观。它不仅是艺术非凡的文物古迹,同时也是中华人民伟大力量与智慧的结晶。


The Great Wall


长城阅读短文 关于长城的英语短文阅读

Construction of the Great Wall began during the Spring and Autumn Period to the WarringStates Period. Several vassal states built wall fortifications successively along the precipitousmountain ridges to ward off the plunder of nomadic people and the invasion of each other.In 221 B. C. when Qin Shihuang united China, he ordered to link the walls up. During thefollowing dynasties, the Great Wall was destroyed continuously by natural disasters and humanbeings.Among the remaining broken pieces of walls, those constructed in the Ming Dynasty arethe most well-preserved and splendid ones. The Great Wall stretches some 6,300km fromJiayuguan Pass in the west to the Yalujiang River in the east, traversing 11 provinces,municipalities and autonomous regions. Not only is it the most magnificent ancient militarydefense work, but one of the most remarkable ancient buildings in the world.



As the saying gose:"He who has never been to the Great Wall is not a true man.".Today,I came to one of the seven wonders of the world---"the Great Wall".It is a tourist attraction which is famous both at home and abroad.Since time immemorial,many men of literature and writing left commendatory poems here.After the overhaul,it shows us a brand-new look at present which attracts moretourists from various of countries.

Today,my father brought me to the the Great Wall at Badaling.I know that the Great Wall at Badaling is interlocking stretching and undulating on the far-flung land of our great motherland.It looks like a megalosaurus cross the lofty peaks,go through grassland,stride over big deserts and run to the sea.I also know that more than twenty countries had built the GreatWall includingQin Dynasty, Han Dynasty and Ming dynasty.At present,there are still much ancient great wall and beacon towers existing in XinJiang,GanSu,Ningxia,Shanxi,BeiJing and so on.


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