如何保护文化遗产英语 保护文化遗产的英语作文



Too few people to pay attention to China's culture. Urban cultural heritage is the witness of the historical development of the city is the city an important basis for historical research. Sustainable development an important aspect is to protect the historical and cultural heritage. We can adopt the following methods of protection, the entire society to let people know the significance of cultural heritage protection, the enhancement of people's protection. And then some sites do not open to the public, to a fine of spoilers, the last teacher education allows students to awareness of the importance of the protection of cultural sites.

如何保护文化遗产英语 保护文化遗产的英语作文




As of 2005, China already has 31 natural landscape and historical sites have been declared as a world cultural heritage, when we are immersed in the world with joy and pride to share these, when almost no one stopped to think about those of us the future of the world's treasures.

As we know, thanks to its vast territory of China, it is such a vast territory that she has many different types of climatic conditions, only gave birth to the rich and colorful Chinese culture. However, the benefits will also have a negative role, the Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes is one such example. For thousands of years, our forefathers exhausted their life time in this great and deep caves, the knowledge and wisdom with brush condensate cast in each side of the wall, hoping that knowledge and wisdom to be immortalized. At that time, who had thought that one day these huge and magnificent works will be damage to the forces of nature. Mogao Grottoes is located in China's north-west, to connect the Eurasian continent in the Silk Road Trail, is a long road that the largest treasure. Despite a hundred years ago it had been stolen, but it damaged the biggest reason is that continental climate brought about by the disaster. Mongolia by the North to the high-pressure effects of climate Dunhuang region perennial drought, sandstorms frequent, annual precipitation is only more than 40 millimeters, while the annual evaporation is as high as more than 4.3 thousand millimeters, up to several thousand years of time, our Mogao Grottoes has been frequently attacked by the dust storms, coupled with long-term droughts, earthquakes and rain erosion of the outer wall of a cave once eroded, constantly thinning. To make matters worse, cave murals have begun to change color, from A, crisp and even off base.

From the 20th century, the beginning of the 40's, the Chinese people began to have a conscious act together to protect our great historical treasures. First, people have been built in the cliff face sand wall, but have little effect; later tried to dig anti-Shagou, soon to be filled sand. In recent years, we finally found the sand and sand control can be a good way. First of all, we in the sand and grass, the grass all the sand box can firmly fixed in place, after two kilometers to create a shelter belts, so that the effective regulation of regional climate. Scientists said that in this way can prevent nearly 80% of the sand into the Mogao internal.

In the protection of our precious world cultural heritage, we really made some encouraging progress, but it should not only be a temporary rescue works. These factors brought about by natural hazards, will no doubt continue, threats still exist for the Mogao Grottoes, for which efforts also need to last forever, generation after generation.

Dear friends, let us join hands together to protect our splendid ancient civilization. We may also slightly younger, but as long as we have a firm belief, jewels will shine forever. Our spirit will spread from one person to another person.






亲爱的朋友们,让我们携起手来,共同保护我们璀璨的古代文明。我们也许还略显年轻,但只要我们有一个坚定的信念,jewels will shine forever. 我们的这种精神会传播开来,从一个人到另一个人……


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.aihuau.com/a/212261/981493182.html


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