做早餐英语 做早餐英语短语



做早餐 Make breakfast

做早餐 making breakfast

做早餐 cook breakfast

纸做的早餐 Papercraft breakfast ;

晨起做早餐 cook in the mornings

每天做早餐 Every day makes the breakfast

烤土司做早餐 Burnt some toast for breakfast

在做早餐 At breakfast

你可以做早餐啊 Ah you can do breakfast


1. I cooked breakfast for the family.


2. Everyday, Mum wakes me up and cooks meals for me.

每天, 妈妈叫我起床并且为我做早餐.

3. It is one where bears eat ing é nues for breakfast.


4. I like to make breakfast because I like to cook.


5. The children seem to have gone off cornflakes for breakfast.

做早餐英语 做早餐英语短语


6. I got up at 4 AM to make breakfast for my mother.


7. She woke them, combed their hair, dressed them and made them breakfast.

她还有每天叫他们起床 、 梳头 、 穿衣服、做早餐.

8. Pick a handful day lily and pumpkin flowers for the morning table.


9. Joan: I know. I at 4 AM to make breakfast for my mother.

琼: 我知道. 我点就起床给我做早餐了.

10. Then I have to make their own breakfast, and then quickly finished.

然后我得自己做早餐, 然后很快的吃完.

11. She boiled me an egg for breakfast.


12. I made breakfast for my wife.


13. I began toasting the bread for breakfast.


14. Joan: I know. I got up at 4 AM to make breakfast for my mother.

琼: 我知道. 我四点就起床给我妈妈做早餐了.

15. Wee brushes it all away , too fed up and upset to give into his crap.

第二天早上, 他起来做早餐想在Wee面前表现得好一点.



Want it to talk and walk and cook breakfast?


But food manufacturers could potentially use black rice bran or bran extracts to make breakfastcereals, beverages, cakes, biscuits and other foods healthier, said Dr Xu.


Wake up, have tea with my husband, make the bed, get the kids up, make breakfast andlunches, clean up the kitchen and start the laundry.

So, I get up and sometimes I don't set the alarm and I get up late; I stagger out of bed; I wake the kids; I greet the servants; I get ready; I make breakfast.




爱华网本文地址 » http://www.aihuau.com/a/212561/742236888.html


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