英语情景对话 有关经典的英语情景对话



T: Okay, Kelly, if you were me, would you take your date to a violent action flick or a romantic movie?

英语情景对话 有关经典的英语情景对话

T:好吧,凯利,如果你是我的话,你约会时会去看暴力的动作片还是浪漫温情的电 影?

K: A romance, of course.


T: Well, there might be some scientific basis for why romantic movies make for good dates. In one study,participants were asked to watch a romantic movie and a violent movie, and watching the romance stimulated the viewers, “implicit affiliation motives.”

T:嗯,浪漫的电影对约会起了良好作用,这是有科学依据的。在一次调查中,参与 者被要求看一个浪漫电影和一个暴力动作片,结果表明观看浪漫电影刺激了观看 者"含蓄的亲和力动机”。

K: What are those?


T: Their unconscious desire for close friendships. Plus, in men, watching the romance decreased their power motives, or their unconscious desire for dominance.

T:他们潜意识中对亲密友谊的欲求。此外,观看浪漫电影还削减了男性的权利欲和 他们潜意识中的支配欲。

K: I'll bet the opposite was true for the violent movie.


T: That's the neat part. Changes in implicit affiliation and power motives are associated with changes in hormone levels. For example, the viewers who watched the romantic movie experienced a temporary increase in progesterone levels.

T:差不多是这样。亲和力和权利欲的改变与体内荷尔蒙的改变也有着密切的关系。 例如,观看浪漫电影的人会经历短暂的黄体酮的上升。

K: Um., .It's so complicated.


T: Yes, but with the violent movie, things were more complicated. So as far as the ideal date movie goes, until you check out your partner's video collection, it's probably safest just to go with a romance.

T:对啊,但是对于观看暴力动作片而言,情况更为复杂。所以呢,根据这个理想约 会电影的原则,在你弄清楚你的约会对象都收藏什么类型的电影前,去看一场浪 漫电影才是最保险的。

K: Do you have any good romances to recommend?


T: Have you ever watched Love Actually? It is a romantic and warm movie.



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