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Ji Chang learned archery from Fei Wei. Fei Wei did not teach Ji Chang the specific techniques of toxophily, instead, he asked Ji Chang to learn to stare at the target, without blinking.

Ji Chang spent two years on it, and managed not to blink, even if an awl is coming at his canthus. Fei Wei then asked Ji Chang to practice hi eyesight, and the goal was to magnify the distant small object so that they appeared as if they were nearby.

Ji Chang practiced diligently for three years, and finally a louse hanging on the window seemed to be as big as a wheel to him. Ji Chang stretched the bow and slit up the louse with an arrow easily, at the knowledge of which Fei Wei as very satisfied with the student.





Zao Fu been learning to drive from Tai Dou for three years, but Tai Dou did not tell him anything about driving, which only added to his respect for his teacher.

狐狸民间传说故事大全 经典民间故事

One day, Tai Dou told Zao Fu, "Learning to drive must begin with learning to walk, as long as you can walk as fast as I do, you can succeed in driving a carriage pulled by six horses." Tai Dou erected a line of stumps, and walked on them as flying, never falling down. In only three days, Zao Fu grasped this method, and soon afterwards mastered all the essential skills for driving.




Zhuangzi was sitting by Pushui Rievr, fishing leisurely.

Chu Weiwang, king of the state of Chu, sent two ministers to come to persuade him accepting the position of Prime Minister.

Zhuangzi asked, "It is heard that a holy tortoise which has been dead for three thousand years is treated as the national treasure and put in the holy temple. So, ministers, do you think the tortoise would rather to live in the slush, pulling its tail; than to enjoy the afterlife honor?"

"We think it would rather to be alive!" the ministers answered. "Then, you could leave now. I prefer living freely." Zhuangzi said.






爱华网本文地址 » http://www.aihuau.com/a/214561/672269778.html


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