关于购物的英语对话 关于商店购物英语对话


关于购物的英语对话 关于商店购物英语对话


A:Here is the fish counter. Look at the lobsters and crabs. Shall we have some?


B:I'm allergic to these things, you know.


A:Sorry,I forgot. I don’t like seafood, neither.


B:Let’s go over there and get some milk, a couple dozen eggs and some orange juice.


A:Let's get frozen juice. It is really good. We’ve got enough food. Let’s go over to the check-out stand.


B:OK. But just let me pick up a bottle of cooking wine and oil as we go by.



A:Could you show me where the ice cream is located?


B:Just go to the end of the store. And it will be on your right. We have all the ice creams and frozen foods back there in the freezers.


A:This is my first time here.


B:Please notice all of our aisles are numbered and classified by signs on the ceiling. That might help you.


A:I'm glad I asked you. So this is aisle 6 where I can find all the canned fruits and vegetables.


B:That’s correct.



A:I need some flowers for my wife. It's her birthday.

B:Very well. We have some fresh red roses.

A:How much are the roses?

B:$20 per dozen.

A:That sounds like a good deal.

B:Yes, they're on sale today.

A:I'll take a dozen.

B:Splendid. Will there be anything else?

A:No, the roses will be fine.

B:I'm sure your wife will love them.


A:I want to find an old music box.

B:We have a great selection. What decade are you looking for?

A:Do you have anything made in the 1920s?

B:We have six.

A:Do any of them have dancing figures?

B:Actually, two of them have dancing figures.

A:That's fantastic. I think I like this one.

B:A good choice. I prefer that one myself.

A:Now, is there any warranty with this?

B:Oh, no, I'm afraid not. These things are just too old to guarantee anything.

A:I understand.

B:Even if they break down, they're still works of art.


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.aihuau.com/a/244361/25939603.html


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