
第23课 收获交流

Tal教授引导学生进行几分钟time in:





1)Identify self-concordant goal, help oneself andothers;

2)Nothing is impossible. Roger Banister's story.

3)Storyof Tal's grandmother, review the world and appreciate things Ihave.

4)Goover things and achieve, go back to base level.

5)Balance between shorten and long-term benefit.

6)Whatis most personal is most general, deep down is humannature.

7)Begrateful. Lots of beauties are within us, open our eyes andappreciate them.

8)Payit forward, thank others.

9)Howcan we make best of what have happen?

10)Thepermission to be human, accept your emotion of negative.

11)Perfectinism understanding.

12)Reframe the questions: 21:1 focus what isworking.

13)Procrastination solutions- just do it. Cultivateritual.

14)Change your lens and patterns.

15)Reminding what we have known, and remind others.

16)Integrated of self-esteem make me feel better about myself,tell truth.

17)Learnto fail or fail to learn, and there is no other way to learn, it ispart of life.

18)Whatconcentration : meaningful ultimate currency---happiness. It is notabout having high expectations, it is about having right or wrongexpectation.

19)Previously running all the time. Now knowing less ismore.

20)Simplicity after complicity. Somethings we need only“handon”

21)Behavior change and not in theory.

22)Knowwhat we want and pursue what we want will be challenging andprospective.

23)Focuson what we really really want to do. Calling.

24)Usedto be a person avoid difficult and problem, but will face it withcourage.

25)Powerof commitment. Throw my back over the world.

26)Stretch Zone and growth.

27)Havehigh expectation on Children and yourself.

28)Subconscious functions: what is preventing me into ahappier thinking.

29)Riseand fall is normal.

30)Everyday is a beautiful day and be grateful. Common sense is not thatcommon.

31)themost important is Playing with the people around. From a seniorstudent.


1) Thequestions you ask. Questions start a quest. Belief create reality.Always ask questions.

2) Believein yourself. How? Putting yourself on the line, by coping, bytaking risks, by showing ourselves that we can do it, byvisualization. Believe others.

3) Learn tofail or fail to learn.

4) Notperfect person, life is upwards spiral not straightline.

5) Thepermission to be human. Confidence up and down curve.

6)Journalling works.

7)Cultivate the benefit finder. Do we notice happiness around us.Dont take it as granted. When we appreciate, itappreciates/grows.

8) Cant betoo much good thing, so simplify. Say not toinappropriate.


9) No.1wellbeing: relationship. Cultivate/invest relationship.

10) expressrather than impress----foundation of intimacy and passion inlong-term relationship.

11) Wonderdrug:Exercise 3-4 times a week, meditation 15 min a day, sleep 8hours a day and hug 12 times a day.

12)集大成者——Change:thecore is whether or not your introduce behavior change. PeterDrucker: tell me make what difference this monday? Intention is notenough, we need behavior.

13) Takecare of yourself first, then you can take care of others. Firsthelp yourself then you can help others, it is the foundation. "Bethe change you want to see".



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第23课 收获交流Tal教授引导学生进行几分钟time in:1)写下至少2件在课堂或课下发生对你有意义、有趣的事情。“同样的事件不同解读的应用”、“选择追求正面的因素,而不是减少负面的因素应用”、2)写下2个你对自己的承诺的改变。“运

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