singalovesongforme山口由子——沙滩男孩插曲 singa nadai 电影

Every time I must say good-bye to you
I feel so down and sigh
singalovesongforme山口由子——沙滩男孩插曲 singa nadai 电影
Every night all I do is think of you
You stole my heart away

Didn't know how true love means to me Until now
Didn't know why lovers cry
Couldn't wait to see your smiling face anymore

Every time you must face the restless world
Do you remember me
And whenever you need a gentle word
Why don't you call me up

I'm the one for you when things get rough times are hard
Don't you know just what I mean
Couldn't wait to hear your endless dreams Come to me

Sing a love song for me Sing for me a serenade
Make happiness happen
Sing a love song for me Sing for me a serenade
And leave loneliness alone

Every time I will say good-luck to you
I hope you'll hold me tight
Every night all I do is see you through
You set my heart on fire

Didn't know how true love works on me Until now
Didn't know how high we fly
Couldn't wait to see your smiling face anymore

Sing a love song for me Sing for me a serenade
Make happiness happen
Sing a love song for me Sing for me a serenade
And leave loneliness alone


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月上柳梢头,人约黄昏后。欧阳修《生查子》 人约黄昏后 电影

月上柳梢头,人约黄昏后。[译文] 月儿从柳树上升起,我和心上人啊,相约在黄昏后的时间。[出典] 欧阳修 《生查子》注:1、 《生查子》 欧阳修去年元夜时,花市灯如昼。  月上柳梢头,人约黄昏后。今年元夜时,月与灯依旧。  不见去年人,泪满春

电影《刘三姐》插曲歌词全 电影刘三姐全部插曲


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