THEGIVINGTREE英文歌词 the giving tree原文


Once therewas a giving tree            从前有棵奉献的树

Who loveda little boy               她爱着一个小男孩

Andeveryday the boy would come to play       每天这个男孩都会来玩

Swingingfrom her branches            在她的枝桠间摆荡

Sleepingin her shades               在她的树荫下休憩

Laughingall the summer hours away         欢笑着度过了许多夏日的时光

And sothey loved, and oh the tree was happy    他们就这样的爱着,而树好开心

Oh, thetree was glad               啊,树好快乐

But soonthe boy grew older            可是男孩很快的长大了

And oneday he came and said           有一天他来到树下说

Can yougive me some money, tree         树啊,你可以给我一些钱吗

To buysome things I've found           我要去买些我喜欢的东西

I have nomoney, said the tree          我没有钱,树说

Justapples, twigs and leaves          只有苹果、枝桠跟树叶

But youcan take my apples, boy          但是你可以把我的苹果摘去,孩子

And sellthem in the town             拿到街上去卖钱

And so hedid, and oh the tree was happy     他听话的照办,而树好开心

Oh, thetree was glad               啊,树好快乐


Soon againthe boy came back           没有多久,男孩又回来了

And hesaid to the tree, I'm now a man      他对树说,我现在是个大人了

And I musthave a house that's all my own    我得要有间自己的房子

I can'tgive you a house, said the tree     我没办法给你一间房子,树说

The forestis my home               森林就是我的家

But youmay cut my branches off          但是你可以把我的树枝砍去

And buildyourself a home             给你自己盖间房子

And so hedid, and oh the tree was happy     他听话的照办,而树好开心

Oh, thetree was glad               啊,树好快乐

And timewent by and the boy came back      时光飞逝,男孩再次回来

Withsadness in his eyes             带着忧愁的眼光

My lifehas turned so cold, he said       我的生活变得好寒冷,他说

And I needsunny days              我需要阳光灿烂的日子

I'mnothing but my trunk, she said        我现在只剩下树干了,她说

But youmay cut it down             但你可以把它砍下来

And buildyourself a boat and sail away     自己造条小船出海去

And so hedid, and oh the tree was happy     他听话的照办,而树好开心

Oh, thetree was glad              啊,树好快乐

And afteryears, the boy came back        几年之后,男孩回来了

From bothends of the world           走遍了世界的每个角落

I reallycannot help you             我真的没有办法再帮你了

If you askanother gift             如果你还希望得到什么礼物

I'mnothing but an old stump now         我如今只是个老树墩了

I'm sorry,boy, she said             我很抱歉,孩子,她说

I'm sorry,but I've nothing more to give  我很抱歉,可是我再也没有什么好给你了

I don'tneed very much now            我现在需要的也不多了

Just aquiet place to rest            只要个安静的地方好休息

The boy,he whispered with a weary smile     男孩带着疲倦的笑容轻声的说

Well, saidthe tree,那么,树说,

an oldstump is still as good for that一个老树墩对这点还是挺管用的

Come, boy,she said, sit down          来吧,孩子,她说,坐下来

Sit downand rest awhile             坐下来,好好的休息一会儿

And so hedid, and oh the tree was happy     他听话的照办,而树好开心

Oh, thetree was glad              啊,树好快乐

THEGIVINGTREE英文歌词 the giving tree原文

这是ShelSilverstein写的一个故事,名字就叫《奉献的树》;在故事的末尾,他写道》“This is a stroy of everyone. The tree is ourparents. When we were young,we loved to play with Mom and Dad; Whenwe grew up, we leave them...Come home only when we need somethingor we are in trouble.No matter what we need, parents will always bethere and give us everything they could to make us happy. You thinkthe boy is cruel to the tree, but that's how we treat ourparents.”


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