美国校园枪击案系列报道大全版 1999年美国校园枪击案











美国校园枪击案系列报道大全版 1999年美国校园枪击案






A vigil has been taking place to remember those killed in a massshooting at a school in the US state of Connecticut.

Many residents of Newtown, Connecticut attended the shortservice at a local church.

US Senator Richard Blumenthal told them that "the hearts andprayers of America are with you tonight".

As residents of this town tried to come to grips with Friday'selementary-school massacre that left 27 people dead, including 20children, investigators were reconstructing the movements andmindset of the suspected shooter.


Authorities here saidon Sunday that a clear picture of what motivated the 20-year-oldsuspect, Adam Lanza, to stage one of the worst mass shootings inU.S. history could take weeks to uncover. Meanwhile, residentssought comfort in church services and prepared for a Sunday eveningvigil where President Barack Obama was expected tospeak.


A spokesman for theConnecticut State Police said detectives had interviewed two adultswho were shot and wounded by the suspected gunman and that moreinterviews would be done with 'an immense' number of witnesses thatwould include some of the pupils inside the school.


'This is somethingwhere people's hearts are broken,' said the spokesman, Lt. J PaulVance, at a Sunday morning news conference. 'We have to besensitive. We're moving as quickly and efficiently as wecan.'

发言人万斯(J PaulVance)在周日早间的新闻发布会上说,这样的事令人心碎。我们必须谨慎,我们正在尽可能迅速而高效地推进调查。


Mr. Lanza used aBushmaster AR-15 style weapon and emptied multiple high-capacitymagazines during the slaughter of 20 children and six adults atSandy Hook Elementary School, Lt. Vance said. Each magazine for theassault rifle was capable of carrying 30 rounds, hesaid.


In the school, policealso found a Glock 10mm, a Sig Sauer 9mm and additional magazinesfor each weapon containing hundreds more bullets, Lt. Vance said.An exact number of shots fired is yet to be determined, Lt. Vancesaid. A shotgun also was recovered in a car that the gunman used todrive to the school, he said.

万斯说,警方在学校里还找到了一把格洛克(Glock) 10毫米手枪和一把Sig Sauer9毫米手枪以及每把枪更多的弹匣,弹匣中装有数百发子弹。万斯说,已发射子弹的确切数字尚有待确定。他说,在嫌犯开到学校的车中,还发现了一把猎枪。

'The trajectory ofthe shots and all of the ammunition used in this horrific crimewill be examined,' he said.


According to Lt.Vance, federal authorities are assisting in analyzingevidence─which includes tracing the origins and use of the weapons.Law-enforcement officials have said the weapons were legallypurchased and registered to the suspect's mother, Nancy Lanza. The52-year-old, who was the first victim in the Friday shooting spree,was found dead inside the home she shared with the suspect inNewtown, which includes the village of Sandy Hook. She was killedby multiple gunshot wounds to her head, a spokeswoman for thestate's chief medical examiner said Sunday.




Suspect, Mother Come Into Focus

In highschool, Adam Lanza was a skinny, bookish honor student so shy anddisconnected from his classmates that he seemed to fade fromexistence. Most strained to remember him as his name emerged as thesuspected shooter in one of the most horrific mass shootings inU.S. history. Some thought he dropped out of Newtown High School,or moved away.

上高中的时候,骨瘦如柴的亚当•兰扎(AdamLanza)很爱学习,成绩不错。他性格腼腆,跟同学少有往来,好像根本不存在一样。他成为美国史上最恐怖的大规模枪杀案之一的嫌犯后,多数人都是绞尽脑汁才想起他这个人。一些人以为他从纽敦高级中学(NewtownHigh School)辍了学,或者搬走了。

But Mr. Lanza was intown all along. He was described by the few with vivid memories ofhim in terms that have become achingly familiar in the aftermath ofmass shootings: an emotionally off-kilter loner, sometimes dressedin black, who moved on the margins of his community.


Jeannie Pasacreta,whose son and his friends were classmates of Mr. Lanza, 20 yearsold, said they described him as 'very withdrawn. He would dress inmilitary gear or black.' Ms. Pasacreta, a psychologist and nursepractitioner, said her son, Nicholas, gathered with some of hisfriends the night of the shooting and talked about Mr.Lanza.


Marsha Moskowitz, aretired school-bus driver, said Mr. Lanza stood out in her mind asthe lonely boy who never smiled. 'I remembered him because he wasso quiet,' she said. 'He was shy, reserved, pretty much a loner…hedidn't really smile or say 'hi' to anyone on the bus.'


Mr. Lanza was livingwith his 52-year-old mother, Nancy. He shot and killed his motherat home on Friday, then allegedly went to Sandy Hook ElementarySchool and killed 26 more people, including 20 children, before hetook his own life. The state's chief medical examiner determinedMs. Lanza was killed by multiple gunshot wounds to her head; Mr.Lanza took his life with a single bullet to his head.

兰扎跟他52岁的母亲南希(Nancy)生活在一起。据称,上周五他在家中杀害了母亲,然后去桑迪胡克小学(SandyHook ElementarySchool)又杀了26人,其中包括20名儿童。最后他结束了自己的生命。纽约州首席法医鉴定认为,兰扎的母亲死于头部的多处枪伤;兰扎朝自己头部开了一枪结束了生命。

From the outside, Mr.Lanza's life appeared to be one of comfort: He and his mother livedin a nicely kept home in an upscale neighborhood called Bennett'sFarm. Mr. Lanza's 24-year-old brother, Ryan, briefly misidentifiedby a law-enforcement official as the shooter Friday, attendedcollege at nearby Quinnipiac University before moving to Hoboken,N.J., to work for Ernst & Young.

从表面上看,兰扎的人生似乎一帆风顺。他和母亲生活在上流社区“贝内特农场”(Bennett'sFarm)一栋干净整洁的房屋里。兰扎24岁的哥哥、上周五曾一度被执法官员误认作枪手的莱恩(Ryan)曾在附近的昆尼皮亚克大学(QuinnipiacUniversity)上学,后来搬到新泽西州的霍博肯,在安永(Ernst &Young)上班。

Ms. Lanza was a guncollector and avid shooter, friends said. She showed one of 'herbeautiful rifles, an old collectible she was very proud of' to DanHolmes, a local landscaper who worked on her property and who wouldsee her from time to time at a bar in town called My Place, wherebands played.


Mr. Holmes said sheand her sons 'would go target shooting as a family.'


Jim Leff, a localwriter and musician who says he knew Ms. Lanza, wrote on his blogafter the shooting that she was a 'big, big gun fan.'


It isn't clear whereMs. Lanza used her guns. Dean Price, director of the WoosterMountain Shooting Range in nearby Danbury, said he spent severalhours with federal firearms agents late Friday night going throughthe last two months of his sign-in sheets. They didn't find theLanzas.

不清楚南希•兰扎是在哪里用枪的。附近城镇丹伯里,伍斯特山射击场(Wooster MountainShooting Range)的场长迪恩•普莱斯(DeanPrice)说,上周五深夜他跟联邦枪械专家一起,花了好几个小时筛查上两个月的签字记录,没有找到兰扎一家的名字。

But some neighborsnoted that the Paugussett State Forest, a few blocks from Ms.Lanza's home, was frequented by hunters during hunting season andappeared occasionally to be used for target practice.

但一些邻居指出,距离兰扎家几个街区之外的森林Paugussett StateForest在狩猎季经常有猎人光顾,有时似乎也用来进行射击练习。

Ms. Lanza 'seemed toreally enjoy gardening and landscaping,' said Newtown residentRhonda Cullens, who said she and Ms. Lanza were part of a group ofneighborhood women who used to gather once a month to play bunco, aparlor game with dice.


Mary Ann Lanza, whowas married to Adam's now-deceased grandfather, said the Lanzas'were a lovely family,' who were close with cousins, aunts anduncles who lived across New England.

亚当已故祖父的遗孀玛丽•安•兰扎(MaryAnn Lanza)说,兰扎一家人都很可爱,他们与住在新英格兰地区另一端的表亲来往密切。

But there were familystrains. Adam's parents divorced in 2009, after a long separation,said Mary Ann Lanza.


While Adam's fatherPeter Lanza, a tax director and vice president for GE EnergyFinancial Services, was outgoing, Nancy could be 'unsociable,' MaryAnn Lanza said.


Some neighbors saidMs. Lanza wasn't particularly social, while others in towndescribed her as warm, open and gregarious─a favorite at a localbar who sometimes gave Red Sox tickets to friends there.


Ms. Lanza ate at MyPlace, the local bar, as much as three days a week and enjoyed acraft beer or two with her meal, said bartender Michael Agius,26.

这个酒吧的名字叫My Place(我的地盘)。26岁的酒吧侍者阿吉厄斯(MichaelAgius)说,最多的时候兰扎每周会来酒吧三次,在这里用餐,每次喝一两杯手工酿制的啤酒。

'She was just a partof the bar family over there,' Mr. Agius said. 'She was such afriendly person.'


Ms. Lanza grew up inKingston, N.H., and lived there near her extended family untilmoving to Newtown in 1998. The family is well-known in the smallNew Hampshire town, where Ms. Lanza's mother was a school nurse andher brother, James Champion, works in law enforcement. Mr. Championhad planned to speak Saturday evening but was too distraught,officials said.


Kingston Police ChiefDonald Briggs Jr. called Ms. Lanza a 'very, very kind, considerate,loving young lady.'

金斯顿警局的负责人小布里格斯(DonaldBriggs Jr.)说南希是个非常非常友好、善解人意、充满爱心的年轻女士。

'She was veryinvolved in the community, very well respected,' Mr. Briggssaid.


Adam Lanza seemed topull away from his family in recent months, according to Mr.Holmes, the local landscaper, and others. When Nancy took his olderbrother Ryan to see a concert in New Orleans, Adam didn't jointhem. 'He prefers to be alone,' Mr. Holmes said Nancy told him whenhe asked why Adam wasn't going. 'It got to the point where she didnot have a close relationship with her son.'


Jim McDade, 59, wholives a few houses away from Nancy Lanza, said that his daughterMaura, 21, and son James Patrick, 24, would take the school bus onthe corner with Adam and Ryan when they were children.

吉姆•麦克达德(JimMcDade)今年59岁,他家和南希家隔了几户人家。他说,他21岁的女儿毛拉(Maura)和24岁的儿子詹姆斯• 帕特里克(JamesPatrick)小的时候会在街角和亚当、莱恩一起坐校车。

Mr. McDade said heremembers that Adam was quiet. 'He preferred his own company,' hesaid.



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