The first sex experience the film experience

  The first sex intercourse is a moment that almost all individuals will experience and, afterwards, will always remember. Many people who didn't loose the virginity yet usually wonder how it could be and create much anticipation to the fact. Several times, however, women bleed and feel much pain, without reaching orgasm. Men may be so anxious that they cannot maintain erection.

Yet they can have premature ejaculation or even don't experience pleasure whatsoever. With practice, however, a possible discomfort can be solved.

It isn't uncommon that the first sexual experience be less extraordinary than expected. They're rarely perfect. If the intercourse hurts and one of the couple feels pain, they can stop the intercourse for a while and start things slowly, later. If the woman remains bleeding post sexual relation, over twenty four hours time - which is usual for some girls - she must avoid vaginal penetration until the bleeding has stopped completely. She also needs to avoid tampons during this period.
The first sex experience the film experience

To minimize the pain and discomfort in the first sexual intercourse, people can pay more attention to every sensation of the body and do things slowly, focusing on kissing, touching and caressing the partner. After ascertain that both lovers get aroused, the couple can use a water-based lubricant, applied on the vagina - because many women looses the natural lubricant of excitement during intercourse, and the industrial lubricant can help against dryness and pain - and, then, get on with penetration, ever so gently by inserting the penis little by little.

Before inducing the first sexual intercourse, people need to make sure they want to do it, to avoid later regret. It's necessary mutual trust between partners, as the confidence, to talk about what they are going to do in that telling what feels good and asking to hold on penetration if that comes to be the case. Using a condom is key element so as to prevent undesired pregnancy and sexual Transmitted Diseases (STDs). People ought to keep in mind that other forms of sex, such as oral and anal sex, are sex per se, and require protection in the same way.


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