The power of love歌词及中文翻译 power of love林志炫

《The power of love》(中文译名:爱的力量)

此歌最早由Jennifer Rush演唱。1993年由世界天后celine dion重新诠释,收录于专辑《the color of my love》中。Celine的肺活量在此歌中得到了充分体现,她富有张力的声音如春雷般震颤人耳,此歌因此成为经典曲目,深深打上了celine的烙印,并在billboard排行榜上蝉联4周NO.1。而其表现的“爱的力量”亦感天动地,最经典的一句是“cause i‘m your lady, and you are my man."而且在1997年,这首歌又被亚洲天后张惠妹再次重新诠释,翻唱版本甚至超越了Celine dion,张惠妹也被称为亚洲第一高音女歌手,是高山的天籁!

the whispers in the morning 清晨你还在熟睡中喃喃呓语,

of lovers sleeping tight

are rolling like thunder now

as i look in your eyes 看着你的眼睛,我却听似轰轰划过耳际

i hold on to your body

and feel each move you make 我紧紧的偎着你, 感受着你的每一个细微动作,

your voice is warm and tender 你的鼾声是那么甜美和轻柔

a love that i could not forsake

(first chorus)

cause i‘m your lady 因为我是你的女人

and you are my man 而你是我的男人

whenever you reach for me无论你贴紧触击我身体哪一部分

i'll do all that i can 我都会极力迎合
The power of love歌词及中文翻译 power of love林志炫

lost is how i'm feeling lying in your arms只要同你在一起,只要枕着你的臂膀

when the world outside's too外面世界一切嘈杂都将远离我们而去

much to take

that all ends when i'm with you在你的臂湾中我彻底陶醉

even though there may be times假如有一天我真的远离

it seems i'm far away

(but) never wonder where i am不要惊奇我去了哪里

cause i am always by your side我一定会和你再相遇

(second chorus)

we're heading for something我们迈向新的目标

somewhere i've never been迈向我从未接触过的事物

sometimes i am frightened有时我会感到恐惧无助

but i'm ready to learn

('bout) of the power of love是爱的力量,坚定了我的信心

the power of love

the sound of your heart beating你心跳的声音

made it clear suddenly是如此坚定有力,清晰可闻

the feeling that i can't go on我突然感到不能自已(yi)

is light years away流年已悄逝


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The power of love歌词及中文翻译 power of love林志炫

《The power of love》(中文译名:爱的力量)此歌最早由Jennifer Rush演唱。1993年由世界天后celine dion重新诠释,收录于专辑《the color of my love》中。Celine的肺活量在此歌中得到了充分体现,她富有张力的声音如春雷般震颤人耳,此歌因

转载 N'Sync----BYEBYEBYE的歌词及中文翻译

原文地址:N'Sync----BYEBYEBYE的歌词及中文翻译作者:轩轩这是我正在听的一首歌,很好听,下面有歌词与翻译,请大家品尝品尝吧。。。歌手:N'Sync歌名:BYE BYE BYEI'm doing this tonight我今晚一直摩拳擦掌You're probably gonna start a f

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