自由诗FreeVerse 自由诗

Free Verse:自由诗A kind of poetry that does not conform to any regularmeter: the length of its lines is irregular, as is its use ofrhyme----if any. Instead of a regular metrical pattern it uses moreflexible cadences or rhythmic groupings, sometimes supported byanaphora and other devices of repetitions. Now the most practicedverse form in English, it has precedents in translations of thebiblical Psalms and in some poems of Blake and Goethe, butestablished itself only in the late 19th and early 20th centurieswith Walt Whitman, the French Symbolists, and the poets ofmodernism. Free verse should not be confused with blank verse,which does observe a regular meter in its unrhymed lines.


Moonshine废 话

Richard Murphy


I mustbe alone:我得一个人;

To love要爱

We mustbe together.我们得一起。

I thinkI love you我想,一个人时

自由诗FreeVerse 自由诗

When I’malone我对你的爱

Morethan I think of you多于我们一起时

Whenwe’re together.我对你的想。

I cannotthink没有爱


Or love而没有想


Alone Ilove 一个人时我爱

To thinkof us together;想着我们在一起

TogetherI think 一起时,我想

I’d loveto be alone.我爱独自一个人。

(黄杲炘 译)


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.aihuau.com/a/25101012/125670.html


关于格律诗、自由诗、散文诗和韵脚诗的区别 自由诗体


大学诗词写作教程二 大学写作教程

第9章 五言古诗的作法  古体诗是对近体诗产生以前的一切诗体的统称,古体诗依其源流及与音乐的关系分,又可分为谣谚体、诗经体、骚体(或称楚辞体)、古风(或称古诗)、乐府等。自字数而论,又可分三言、四言、五言、六言、七言及杂言等。自

古体诗、近体诗、今体诗及新体诗之间的区别 古体诗与近体诗


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