MATLAB工具箱下载地址总汇01 matlab相机标定工具箱

2.SimMechanics 工具箱 (这个好像不是免费的)
4.Optimization Toolbox 2.2
5.Vibration Toolbox
7.Polynomial Toolbox
9.Uvi_Wave Wavelet Toolbox
11.Camera calibration toolbox
12.Virtual Control Lab

MATLAB Toolboxes
ZSM (zero sum multinomial)

Binaural-modeling software for MATLAB/Windows

Statistical Parametric Mapping (SPM)

The DSS package for MATLABDSS Matlab package contains algorithms for performing linear,deflation and symmetric DSS.
Multisurface Method Tree with MATLAB
A Matlab Toolbox for every single topic ! BrainStorm - MEG and EEG data visualization andprocessing
CLAWPACK is a software package designed to compute numericalsolutions to hyperbolic partial differential equations using a wavepropagation approach
DIPimage - Image Processing Toolbox
PRTools - Pattern Recognition Toolbox (+ NeuralNetworks)
NetLab - Neural Network Toolbox
FSTB - Fuzzy Systems Toolbox
Fusetool - Image Fusion Toolbox
WAVEKIT - Wavelet Toolbox
Gat - Genetic Algorithm Toolbox
TSTOOL is a MATLAB software package for nonlinear time seriesanalysis.TSTOOL can be used for computing: Time-delay reconstruction,Lyapunov exponents, Fractal dimensions, Mutual information,Surrogate data tests, Nearest neighbor statistics, Return times,Poincare sections, Nonlinear prediction
MATLAB / Data description toolboxA Matlab toolbox for data description, outlier and noveltydetectionMarch 26, 2004 - D.M.J. Tax
Betabolic network toolbox for Matlab
Pharmacokinetics toolbox for Matlab
The SpiderThe spider is intended to be a complete object orientatedenvironment for machine learning in Matlab. Aside from easy use ofbase learning algorithms, algorithms can be plugged together andcan be compared with, e.g model selection, statistical tests andvisual plots. This gives all the power of objects (reusability,plug together, share code) but also all the power of Matlab formachine learning research.
Schwarz-Christoffel Toolbox

XML Toolbox
FIR/TDNN Toolbox for MATLABBeta version of a toolbox for FIR (Finite Impulse Response)and TD (Time Delay) Neural Networks.
Saturn and Titan trajectories ... MALTAB astronomy

MA Toolbox for Matlab Implementing Similarity Measures forAudio
MAD - Matlab Auditory Demonstrations

Music Analysis - Toolbox for Matlab : Feature Extraction fromRaw Audio Signals for Content-Based Music Retrieval

WarpTB - Matlab Toolbox for Warped DSPBy Aki H?rm? and Matti Karjalainen

MATLAB-related Software

Biomedical Signal data formats (EEG machine specific fileformats with Matlab import routines)

MPEG Encoding library for MATLAB Movies (Created by DavidFoti)It enables MATLAB users to read (MPGREAD) or write (MPGWRITE)MPEG movies. That should help Video Quality project.

Filter Design package

Octave by Christophe COUVREUR (Generates normalizedA-weigthing, C-weighting, octave and one-third-octave digitalfilters)

Source Coding MATLAB Toolbox

Bio Medical Informatics (Top)
CGH-Plotter: MATLAB Toolbox for CGH-data AnalysisCode:

The Brain Imaging Software Toolbox

MRI Brain Segmentation

Chemometrics (providing PCA) (Top)
Matlab Molecular Biology & Evolution Toolbox(Toolbox Enables Evolutionary Biologists to Analyze and ViewDNA and Protein Sequences)James J. Cai

Toolbox provided by Prof. Massart research group

Useful collection of routines from Prof age smilde researchgroup

Multivariate Toolbox written by Rune Mathisen

MATLAB工具箱下载地址总汇01 matlab相机标定工具箱
Matlab code and datasets

Chaos (Top)
Chaotic Systems Toolbox

HOSA Toolbox

Chemistry (Top)
MetMAP - (Metabolical Modeling, Analysis and oPtimizationalias Met. M. A. P.)

DoseLab - A set of software programs for quantitativecomparison of measured and computed radiation dosedistributions

GenBank Overview

Code for the estimation of Scaling Exponents

Control (Top)
Control Tutorial for Matlab

Communications (Top)
Channel Learning Architecture toolbox(This Matlab toolbox is a supplement to the article"HiperLearn: A High Performance Learning Architecture")

Source Coding MATLAB Toolbox

TCP/UDP/IP Toolbox 2.0.4

Home Networking Basis: Transmission Environments andWired/Wireless ProtocolsWalter Y. Chen
MATLAB M-files and Simulink models

Engineering (Top)

Mesh Generation

OpenFEM : An Open-Source Finite ElementToolbox

CALFEM is an interactive computer program for teaching thefinite element method (FEM)

The Engineering Vibration Toolbox

SaGA - Spatial and Geometric Analysis Toolboxby Kirill K. Pankratov

MexCDF and NetCDF Toolbox For Matlab-5&6

CUEDSID: Cambridge University System IdentificationToolbox

Kriging Toolbox

Monte Carlo (Dr Nando)

RIOTS - The Most Powerful Optimal Control Problem Solver

MATLAB xlsheets
Finite Element Modeling (FEM) (Top)
OpenFEM - An Open-Source Finite ElementToolbox

NLFET - nonlinear finite element toolbox for MATLAB (framework for setting up, solving, and interpreting results fornonlinear static and dynamic finite element analysis.)

GetFEM - C++ library for finite element methods elementarycomputations with a Matlab interface

FELIPE - FEA package to view results ( contains neat interfaceto MATLA

Finance (Top)
A NEW MATLAB-BASED TOOLBOX FOR COMPUTER AIDED DYNAMICTECHNICAL TRADINGStephanos Papadamou and George StephanidesDepartment of Applied Informatics, University Of MacedoniaEconomic & Social Sciences, Thessaloniki, Greece

CompEcon Toolbox for Matlab

Genetic Algorithms (Top)
The Genetic Algorithm Optimization Toolbox (GAOT) for Matlab5

Genetic Algorithm ToolboxWritten & distributed by Andy Chipperfield (SheffieldUniversity, UK)

Genetic and Evolutionary Algorithm Toolbox (GEATbx)

Evolutionary Algorithms for MATLAB

Genetic/Evolutionary Algorithms for MATLAB

VideoToolbox (C routines for visual psychophysics on Macs byDenis Pelli)
4D toolbox
Images (Top)
Eyelink Toolbox

CellStats: Automated statistical analysis of color-stainedcell images in Matlab

SDC Morphology Toolbox for MATLAB (powerful collection oflatest state-of-the-art gray-scale morphological tools that can beapplied to image segmentation, non-linear filtering, patternrecognition and image analysis)

Image Acquisition Toolbox

Halftoning Toolbox for MATLAB

DIPimage - A Scientific Image Processing Toolbox forMATLAB

PNM Toolbox

ICA / KICA and KPCA (Top)
ICATU Toolbox

MISEP Linear and Nonlinear ICA Toolbox

Kernel Independant Component Analysis kernel-ica version 1.2

KPCA- Please check the software section of kernelmachines.
Statistical Pattern RecognitionToolbox

MATLABArsenal A MATLAB Wrapper forClassification
Markov (Top)
MapHMMBOX 1.1 - Matlab toolbox for Hidden Markov Modellingusing Max. Aposteriori EMPrerequisites: Matlab 5.0, Netlab. Last Updated: 18 March2002.
HMMBOX 4.1 - Matlab toolbox for Hidden Markov Modelling usingVariational BayesPrerequisites: Matlab 5.0,Netlab. Last Updated: 15 February2002..
Markov Decision Process (MDP) Toolbox for MatlabKevin Murphy, 1999

Markov Decision Process (MDP) Toolbox v1.0 for MATLAB

Hidden Markov Model (HMM) Toolbox for Matlab

Bayes Net Toolbox for Matlab
Medical (Top)
EEGLAB Open Source Matlab Toolbox for Physiological Research(formerly ICA/EEG Matlab toolbox)
MATLAB Biomedical Signal Processing Toolbox

Powerful package for neurophysiological data analysis ( IgorKagan webpage)

EEG / MRI Matlab Toolbox

Microarray data analysis toolbox (MDAT): for normalization,adjustment and analysis of gene expression data.Knowlton N, Dozmorov IM, Centola M. Department of Arthritisand Immunology, Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation, OklahomaCity, OK, USA 73104. We introduce a novel Matlab toolbox formicroarray data analysis. This toolbox uses normalization basedupon a normally distributed background and differential geneexpression based on 5 statistical measures. The objects in thistoolbox are open source and can be implemented to suit yourapplication. AVAILABILITY: MDAT v1.0 is a Matlab toolbox andrequires Matlab to run. MDAT is freely available at:
MIDI (Top)
MIDI Toolbox version 1.0 (GNU General Public License)

Misc. (Top)
MATLAB-The Graphing Tool

3-D Circuits The Circuit Animation Toolbox for MATLAB


MPI (Matlab Parallel Interface)
Cornell Multitask Toolbox for MATLAB

Beolab Toolbox for v6.5Thomas Abrahamsson (Professor, Chalmers University ofTechnology, Applied Mechanics, G?teborg, Sweden)


Neural Networks (Top)
SOM Toolbox

Bayes Net Toolbox for Matlab


Random Neural Networks

NNSYSID Toolbox (tools for neural network based identificationof nonlinear dynamic systems)

Oceanography (Top)
WAFO. Wave Analysis for Fatigue and Oceanography
ADCP toolbox for MATLAB (USGS, USA)Presented at the Hydroacoustics Workshop in Tampa and atADCP's in Action in San Diego

SEA-MAT - Matlab Tools for Oceanographic AnalysisA collaborative effort to organize and distribute Matlab toolsfor the Oceanographic Community

Ocean Toolbox

EUGENE D. GALLAGHER(Associate Professor, Environmental, Coastal & OceanSciences)

Optimization (Top)
MODCONS - a MATLAB Toolbox for Multi-Objective Control SystemDesign
Lazy Learning Package

SDPT3 version 3.02 -- a MATLAB software forsemidefinite-quadratic-linear programming

Minimum Enclosing Balls: Matlab Code

SOSTOOLS Sum of Squares Optimization Toolbox for MATLAB User’sguide

PSOt - a Particle Swarm Optimization Toolbox for use withMatlabBy Brian Birge ... A Particle Swarm Optimization Toolbox(PSOt) for use with the Matlab scientific programming environmenthas been developed. PSO isintroduced briefly and then the use of the toolbox isexplained with some examples. A link to downloadable code isprovided.


Signal Processing (Top)
Filter Design with Motorola DSP56K

Change Detection and Adaptive Filtering Toolbox

Signal Processing Toolbox

ICATU Toolbox
Time-Frequency Toolbox for Matlab

VoiceBox - Speech Processing Toolbox

Least Squared - Support Vector Machines(LS-SVM)

WaveLab802 : the Wavelet ToolboxBy David Donoho, Mark Reynold Duncan, Xiaoming Huo, OferLevi

Time-series Matlab scripts

Uvi_Wave Wavelet Toolbox Home Page

Support Vector Machine (Top)
MATLAB Support Vector Machine ToolboxDr Gavin CawleySchool of Information Systems, University of East Anglia


SVM toolboxes

LSVM Lagrangian Support Vector Machine

Statistics (Top)
Logistic regression
Multi-Parametric Toolbox (MPT) A tool (not only) formulti-parametric optimization.
ARfit: A Matlab package for the estimation of parameters andeigenmodes of multivariate autoregressive models
The Dimensional Analysis Toolbox for MATLABHome:

FATHOM for Matlab
Multivariate analysis toolbox (N-way Toolbox - paper)
Classification Toolbox for Matlab
Matlab toolbox for Robust Calibration
Statistical Parametric Mapping
EVIM: A Software Package for Extreme Value Analysis inMatlabby Ramazan Gen?ay, Faruk Selcuk and Abdurrahman Ulugulyagci,2001.Manual (pdf file) evim.pdf - Software (zip file)
Time Series Analysis
Bayes Net Toolbox for MatlabWritten by Kevin Murphy
ARfit: A Matlab package for the estimation of parameters andeigenmodes of multivariate autoregressive models


Dimensional Analysis Toolbox for Matlab

The NaN-toolbox: A statistic-toolbox for Octave andMatlab?... handles data with and without MISSINGVALUES.

Iterative Methods for Optimization: Matlab Codes

Multiscale Shape Analysis (MSA) Matlab Toolbox 2000

Multivariate Ecological & Oceanographic Data Analysis(FATHOM)From David Jones

glmlab (Generalized Linear Models in MATLA
SVM and Kernel Methods Matlab Toolbox Support Vector Machine ToolboxDr Gavin CawleySchool of Information Systems, University of East Anglia
SVM toolboxes
LSVM Lagrangian Support Vector Machine


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