萍聚-英文版歌词 萍聚歌词



女:I don't wannaknow起点教育论坛-您的网上学习园地, n.[& q5 Y! y6 H
what the future iswww.go7d.com* G! D9{& }6 I1 b. O
All I want is to be here withyou
All love means nopromises6 ?& E. C% Z! `)r?
It is but a feeling we allshare
Love is never a lasting thing
it is in the hearts of us
Your love will be in mymemory" V-Wk# B& |8 S" d'
I just wish that mine too withinyours.起点教育论坛-您的网上学习园地8 s* ]( k: i" R! ?+ T7P' F
教育|学习|交流|外语|韩语|日语|英语|俄语|西班牙语|会计|UC|生活7o3 q" w9 l* O) N3 D9 Y2 e
男:I don't wannaknow教育|学习|交流|外语|韩语|日语|英语|俄语|西班牙语|会计|UC|生活*S8 D6 d% j4 M; {, L
what the future is
All I want is to be here withyou
All love means nopromises
It is but a feeling we allshare
女:Love is never a lasting thing
But it is in the hearts of us
男:Your love will be in mymemory
I just wish that mine too within yours.合:I don't wannaknow起点教育论坛-您的网上学习园地, n.[& q5 Y! y6 H
what the future iswww.go7d.com* G! D9{& }6 I1 b. O
All I want is to be here withyou
All love means nopromises6 ?& E. C% Z! `)r?
It is but a feeling we allshare
Love is never a lasting thing
it is in the hearts of us
Your love will be in mymemory" V-Wk# B& |8 S" d'
萍聚-英文版歌词 萍聚歌词
I just wish that mine too within yours


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.aihuau.com/a/25101014/195228.html


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不怕不怕英文版歌词.... 不怕不怕英文版歌曲

《不怕不怕》原唱版本是“O-Zone”乐队的《Dragostea Din Tea》,用罗马尼亚语演唱,意思就是“来自菩提树的爱情”。让我们一起来欣赏一下它的英文版歌词。《Dragostea Din Tea》英文版本English Lyrics Translation:Ma-ia-hiiMa-ia-hu

《新年好》的英文版歌词 我的梦英文版歌词

过年啦!每当新年来临,这首《新年好》都唱出了大家的心声,如果能够唱出双语版《新年好》,那就等于特大份的祝福大礼包啦!特别提醒,这可是小朋友们让压岁钱加倍的秘密武器哦~!Happy new year新年好呀Happy New Year新年好呀Happy new year to

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