EuropeansshouldtrytostayindoorsifashfromIc if i should stay

Europeans should try to stay indoors if ash from Iceland'svolcano starts settling, the World Health Organization warnedFriday as small amounts fell in Iceland, Scotland and Norway.

  WHO spokesman Daniel Epstein said the microscopic(微小的) ash ispotentially dangerous for people when it starts to reach the Earthbecause inhaled(吸入) particles can enter the lungs and causerespiratory problems. And he also said Europeans who go outsidemight want to consider wearing a mask.

  Other experts, however, weren't convinced the volcanic ashwould have a major effect on peoples' health and said WHO'swarnings were "hysterical." They said volcanic ash was much lessdangerous than cigarette smoke or pollution. Volcanic ash is madeof fine particles of fragmented volcanic rock. It is light gray toblack and can be as fine as talcum powder. During a volcaniceruption, the ash can be breathed deep into the lungs and causeirritation even in healthy people. But once it falls from a greaterdistance — like from the cloud currently hovering above Europe —its health effects are often minimal, experts say.

  "Not all particles are created equal," said Ken Donaldson, aprofessor of respiratory toxicology at the University of Edinburgh,"In the great scheme of things, volcanic ash is not all thatharmful." And he said most Europeans' exposure to volcanic ashwould be negligible and that only those in the near districts ofthe Icelandic volcano would likely be at risk.

  Dr. Stephen Spiro, a professor of respiratory medicine anddeputy chair of the British Lung Foundation, said the further theparticles travel, the less dangerous they will be. "The cloud hasalready passed over northern Scotland and we haven't heard of anyill effects there," he said. Spiro said to wear masks or stayindoors to avoid volcanic ash was "over the top" and "a bithysterical."

  1. The text is mainly about .

  A. the effect of volcanic ash

  B. the health risk of volcanic ash

  C. the disadvantages of volcanic ash

  D. the opinions on health risk of volcanic ash

  2. Which one is true according to Paragraph3?

  A. The volcanic ash’s effects on Europeans were little.

  B. The ash caused irritation even in healthy people.

  C. Other experts thought WTO’S warnings were useful.

  D. The volcanic ash was more dangerous than cigarette smoke orpollution.

  3. The underlined word “hysterical” in Paragraph4 mostprobably means .

  A. amazing B. practical C. valuable D. overstated

  4. What can we learn from the passage?

  A. The volcanic ash wouldn’t be harmful to people.

  B. All experts thought the volcanic ash did great harm to ourhealth.

  C. People close to the volcano would likely be at riskaccording to some experts.

  D. Europeans should stay indoors because Iceland's volcanostarts settling.



  2. A. 细节理解题。第三段最后一句可知A是正确的;由第三段中During a volcanic eruption……inhealthy people.可知B错误;由第三段中Other experts, however, weren'tconvinced…… cigarette smoke or pollution可排除C D。

  3. D. 词义猜测题。由上文中volcanic ash is not all that harmful和下文中onlythose in the near vicinity of the Icelandic volcano would likely beat risk可知D正确, 夸大的,言过其实的。

  4.C. 由第三段 But once it falls from a greater distance….. effectsare often minimal和第四段中 only those in the near vicinity of theIcelandic volcano would likely be at risk以及第五段中 the further theparticles travel, the more diluted and less dangerous they willbe可知C正确。ABD观点表达绝对。


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