that引导从句的省略 定语从句that省略

  A. that在定语从句中作宾语时,往往可省略。 He is the man(that)Igave the money to. B. that在定语从句中作主语时,不可省略。 He'isthe man that lives next door. C. that在way,distance后面常可省略。 Iwent out the same way(that)I'd got in.  二、that引导名词性从句时,充当连词,本身无实际意义。
that引导从句的省略 定语从句that省略
  A.that引导主语从句、同位语从句及表语从句时,正规语中,通常不可省略。It was known long ago that air has pressure. They all know the factthat Taiwan is part of China. Their suggestion is that shouldimprove their working conditions. B.that在引导宾语从句时,通常可省略。 We know(that)sound can travelthrough air.但:1)在介词后的宾语从句中that常不可省略,且前面往往有个形式宾主it:You may depend on it that they will support your plan. See to itthat you are not late again. Except that he speaks too fast, he isan excellent teacher.2)两个宾语从句连用时,即使省略了第一个that,也不可省略第二个that。I believe(that)you've done your best and that thingswillimprove.  三、that引导状语从句时,充当连词,有时也可省略。
  A(结果状语从句)The sound is so weak(that)you can't hear it.B(结果状语从句)Now(that)I have finished my lessons,I intend to gofor a walk. C(宾主从句)We are delighted(that)you can come.D(某些边际连词)如:the monent that, the minute that,theinstant中省略that. The monent(that)he spoke,we recognized hisvoice.  总之,that的省略现象在中学教材中很普遍,只要我们留心观察,不断总结便可掌握其基本用法


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asif从句中的省略 时间状语从句中的省略

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瑜伽引导词 瑜伽引导词的技巧


时间状语从句中的省略 特殊状语从句的省略

When (he was) very young, he began to learn to play the guitar. 他很小的时候, 就开始学习弹吉他。While (I was) at college, I began to know him, a strange but able student. 我在上大学时就开始认识他, 一个奇怪但有能力的学生

英语同位语从句用法详解 which和what引导从句

一、同位语从句的引导词引导同位语从句的词语通常有连词that,whether,连接代词和连接副词等。1. 由that引导We heard the news that our team had won. 我们听到消息说我们队赢了。They were worried over the fact that you were sic

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