somehow与somewhat somehow



I think we can manage that somehow, (Cronin)

somehow与somewhat somehow

We'll get along somehow. (Dreiser)

We must celebrate the great occasion somehow to-night.(Prie­stley)

She'll get me there somehow. (Sinclair)

Why didn^t you give your mind to it and manage to cure hersomehow! (Lewis)

I'll have it out with him somehow. (Wells)

They will try to keep us out, but we shall get in somehow.(ELD)


Somehow he was afraid of her. (London)

Somehow the right chance never seemed to present itself.(Snow)

Somehow they did not seem to get an opportunity to object. (Bennet)

She never liked me, somehow. (ALD)

I thought I knew the way, but somehow I got lost.(Palmer)

I've never liked him,somehow. (ELD)

3.用于* somehow orother不知是什么原因,由于某种原因,以某种方式:

Somehow or other we became friends. I never knew just whyit was. (Henderson)

I can't see how, b ut we'll have to reach an agreementsomehow or other. (DCE)

We must find money for the rent somehow (or other),(OSD)

somewhat adv.


The idea somewhat alarmed hismother.

Her evident joy at this returnsomewhat embarrassed him.

She was somewhat relieved to find thathe was there.

I was somewhat surprised[disappointed].

She was somewhat concerned aboutConstance.

All this was somewhat upsetting to allof us.

The reaction of the workers wassomewhat different.

I think you'll find me somewhatprogressive.

So the tale continued at a somewhatslower tempo.

This matter was a somewhat difficultone to decide.

He answered somewhathastily.

We’ve arrived somewhat late, I'mafraid.

2.用于* somewhatof有些/点,相当(和一名词连用):

He was somewhat of a liar (有点爱撤谎).

She is somewhat of an artist(有点艺术才能).

I found it somewhat of a difficulty(相当困难).

The cake we made wassomewhat of a failure (不太成功).


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