Carefor与careabout辨析 take care about

Care for 与care about辨析

1、Care for

  1. (1)like;=befond of 喜爱 =be willing to do sth=wish to do sth= like to dosth(常用于否定句及疑问句,尤其与would连用更常见)
    1)She doesn't care for thatcolour.她不喜欢那种颜色。
    2)She did not care forhim.她不喜欢他。

(2)take care of;look after 照顾
(1)As an orphan,he is caredfor by the local authorities.他是个孤儿,受到当地政府的照顾。
(2)He spent years caring forhis sick mother.他数年中一直在照顾生病的母亲。
Carefor与careabout辨析 take care about
(3)I do care for what myteacher says.我的确尊重老师说的话。

(4)Would youcare for a drink?

(5)Would youcare to go for a walk?

2、care about v.担心 接近be worried, be concerned or interested 指:忧虑、担心、关心、惦念

  1. Do not you care about anybody?你难道谁也不关心吗?
  2. I really care about my work.我真的关心我的工作。
    Don't you care about anybody? 你难道谁也不关心吗?
  3. Don’t you care about ourcountry’s future?
  4. All she care s about is her sociallife.
  5. I don’t think he cares (about)what happens to her children.
  6. He failed the exam but he didn’tseem to care.


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他们不在乎我们 他们不在乎我们下载

<They don't care about us>他们不在乎我们 - 这首歌是发行于1996年4月, 收录在 HIStory专辑里.迈克尔.杰克逊用最直接的谴责与怒吼的方式表达了对弱势族群和长期被打压的社会底层人群的同情,然而, 它也因为其政治的敏感而饱受争议

persuade,advise与suggest辨析 persuade的用法

【课文原句】I would advise people not to buy products thatharm the environment. (P72)我会建议人们不要买对环境有害的产品。【辨析】persuade,advise与suggest都有“劝说、建议”之意。区别如下:1) persuade作“劝解”讲,

“刮目相看”与“另眼相看”辨析 刮目相看和另眼相看


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