Relation与relationship的区别 fairly和rather的区别

1.作名词,relation between sth. and sth.

relation to sth. (人或者事物与他者之间的)关联,联系,关系。例如:

The relation between time and results. 时间和成绩的关系。

It shows on relation to the rainfall. 它与降雨量没有任何关系。 / with relation to sb. / sth. (正式)与某人 / 某事有关,涉及某人 /某事。例如:

Describe the location of the following lands, seas and cities inrelation to New Zealand.


3.relations between sb. / sth. and sb. /sth.

relations with sb. /sth. (人,团体,国家等之间的)关系,联系,交往

diplomatic relations 外交关系

international relations 国际关系

business relations 业务关系

The friendly relations between our countries 我们国家之间的友好关系

He broke off relations with his family. 他与家庭断绝了一切联系。

4.relationship关系,联系:relationship between A and B. 例如:

There is close relationship between industry and trade.


A pure business relationship 纯业务关系

He had a good relationship with hi s boss. 他和老板的关系很好。



A relation of mine is coming to stay. 我有个亲戚要来这里暂住。

-What’s your relationship to her? 你和她是什么亲戚?

-She is my cousin. 她是我的表妹。

b.relationship 可以指强烈的感情关系。例如:

Their relationship has lasted many years. 他们的感情已经有很多年了。


Relations with the USSR are improving. 与苏联之间的关系正在改善。

Britain has a unique relationship with the USA.英国与美国之间关系很特别。

Relation与relationship的区别 fairly和rather的区别


Some people say that there is no relation / relationship betweenviolence on television and crimes of violence in life.有人说电视中的暴力镜头和生活中的暴力犯罪并无关系。


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转载 fairly,quite,rather,very与pretty的用法区别 fairlylife

谢谢朋友!很不错的资料。原文地址:fairly,quite,rather,very与pretty的用法区别作者:一路花香这几个词都可表示程度,用法区别如下:1. 含义上的区别:(1) fairly 语气最轻,尽管经常与褒义词连用,但由于语气较弱,往往不带明显的恭维或赞赏,通常

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