TPO28-Groundwater翻译 tpo groundwater


TPO28-Groundwater翻译 tpo groundwater

Most of the world’s potablewater-freshwater suitable for drinking-is accounted for bygroundwater, which is stored in the pores and fractures in rocks.There is more than 50 times as much freshwater stored undergroundthan in all the freshwater rivers and lakes at the surface. Nearly50 percent of all groundwater is stored in the upper 1,000 metersof Earth. At greater depths within Earth, the pressure of theoverlying rock causes pores and cracks to close, reducing the spacethat pore water can occupy, and almost complete closure occurs at adepth of about 10 kilometers. The greatest water storage,therefore, lies near the surface.


Aquifers地下蓄水层,Porosity有孔性,and Permeability 渗透性

Groundwater is stored in a variety of rocktypes. A groundwater reservoir from which water can be extracted iscalled an aquifer. We can effectively think of an aquifer as adeposit of water. Extraction of water depends on two properties ofthe aquifer: porosity and permeability. Between sediment grains arespaces that can be filled with water. This pore space is known asporosity and is expressed as a percentage of the total rock volume.Porosity is important for water-storage capacity, but for water toflow through rocks, the pore spaces must be connected. The abilityof water, or other fluids, to flow through the interconnected porespaces in rocks is termed permeability. Fractures and joint havevery high permeability. In the intergranular spaces of rocks,however, fluid must flow around and between grains in a tortuouspath; this winding path causes a resistance to flow. The rate atwhich the flowing water overcomes this resistance is related to thepermeability of rock.


Sediment sorting and compaction influencepermeability and porosity. The more poorly sorted or the moretightly compacted a sediment is, the lower its porosity andpermeability. Sedimentary rocks-the most common rock type near thesurface are also the most common reservoirs for water because theycontain the most space that can be filled with water. Sandstonesgenerally make good aquifers, while finer-grained mudstones aretypically impermeable. Impermeable rocks are referred to asaquicludes. Igneous and metamorphic rocks are more compact,commonly crystalline, and rarely contain spaces between grains.However, even igneous and metamorphic rocks may act as groundwaterreservoirs if extensive fracturing occurs in such rocks and if thefracture system is interconnected.


The WaterTable

The water table is the undergroundboundary below which all the cracks and pores are filled withwater. In some cases, the water table reaches Earth’s surface,where it is expressed as rivers, lakes, andmarshes. Typically, though, the water table maybe tens or hundreds of meters below the surface. The water table isnot flat but usually follows the contours of the topography. Abovethe water table is the vadose zone, through which rainwaterpercolates. Water in the vadose zone drains down to the watertable, leaving behind a thin coating of water on mineral grains.The vadose zone supplies plant roots near the surface withwater.




Because the surface of the water table isnot flat but instead rises and falls with topography, groundwateris affected by gravity in the same fashion as surface water.Groundwater flows downhill to topographic lows. If the water tableintersects the land surface, groundwater will flow out onto thesurface at springs, either to be collected there or to subsequentlyflow farther along a drainage. Groundwater commonly collects instream drainages but may remain entirely beneath the surface of drystreambeds in arid regions. In particularly wet years, shortstretches of an otherwise dry streambed may have flowing waterbecause the water table rises to intersect the landsurface.



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