Adverb&AdverbPhrase adverb

1. Adverb:a word that adds moreinformation about place,time,manner,etc to a verb,adjphrase,etc.It functions as modifyingelements.


1.1.1.Adverb of Manner:angrily,happily,rudely,politely,warmly...

1.1.2.Adverb of Degree:completely,greatly,hardly,almost,little,much...

1.1.3.Adverb of Time:already,before,today,shortly,soon,tomorrow...

1.1.4.Adverb of Frequency:always,hardly,sometimes,seldom,never...

1.1.5.Adverb of Place:above,below,there,here,where,down,up...

1.1.6.Conjunctive Adverb: however,therefore,morever,thus...

1.1.7.Explanatory Adverb: as,namely...

1.2.Adverbs as modifier inphrases(PhraseElement)

1.2.1.They completely ignored my views.

Adverb of DegreeAs modifier of verbs.

1.2.2.That was avery funny film.

Adverb ofDegreeAsmodifier of adj.

1.2.3.He drives extremely carefully.

Adverb ofDegree Asmodifier of adv.

1.2.4.His parents are deadagainst the trip.

Adverb ofDegreeAsmodifier ofpreposition.

1.2.5.Soon after we left the house,it started torain.

Adverb ofTime Asmodifier ofconjunction.

1.2.6.They have improved roughly half their equipment.

AdverbofDegreeAsmodifier ofdeterminer.

1.2.7.the day before/his home journey

Adverb of Time/Adverb ofplace Asmodifier ofnoun.

1.2.8.Even a child canunderstand that.

AdverbofDegreeAs modifier ofnounphrase.

2.Adverb Phrase:Adverbphrase is a phrase with a adverb as its head.

2.1.Adverb Phrases asadverbial in Clauses or Sentences(ClauseElement)


Recently they had anaccident.


He always d rives carefully.

Denote Manner

I miss you verymuch./terribly.

Denote Degree

I couldn't find it though I had lookeverywhere.

Denote Place


Personally,I don't think he will interviewyou.

Honestly,Ithink you are mistaken.


Do it now.Otherwise it will be toolate.

Tom hasn't arrived yet.He may,however,come later.


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英语中副词的用法 英语中形容词的用法

英语中副词的用法——简介副词(adverb)是一类用以修饰动词(相当于英语的verb)或加强描绘词组或整个句子的词,修饰名词的词一般为形容词,又称限制词。 英语中副词的用法——方法/步骤英语中副词的用法 1、一般副词的位置  在许多情

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