BangBus bangbus中国图片

So one bright sunny day early in 2001 we were driving in our beatup piece of shit van and filming people on the street while drivingby. We used to do this all the time, and then make funny videos outof these people, put music in them so they looked like trailersfrom a big movie. It was during a day like this that we conceivedthe idea of the bangbus.

1. First,what does the bangbus look like anyway?
One misconception about the bangbus is that we have money and thatthe buys is nice as hell. The first bangbus was a 1981 18-wheeltractor trailer that we bought at a livestock auction for $2000[figure 1a]. In 2002 when we made afew bucks off our videos we splurged and added the 1973 camper onthe back that was formerly owned by Claude and Madge Derbowitz.They also happen to be my biological parents [figure 1b]. But pretty soon we stopped worryingabout the bus itself and started asking girls to take off theirpants so we could allow retarded kids to point at their "noo-naa's"[figure 1c]. We continue on with thisgame and meet interesting people along the way. We even met a coollittle dog once, and so we decided to keep her! [figure 1d].
2. How canthis be real? I heard people say it isn't real
Ah yes the question we get alot. Look, when this site got big,people in the old-school porn industry thought 'hey we can do thistoo!'. Problem was, they couldnt. They shot a bunch of copycatstuff that was obviously fake. Yet the shot it in a bus, tried toemulate every aspect of what we did and created a brandconfusion...people were led to believe that garbage came fromus.

Its simple really. If you have watched a bangbus shoot and wondered'hey is this real or fake, Im not sure...'. then consider thissimple fact...if it were fake that would have to mean thatthe girl who just got fucked on camera, for money, is also afantastic actress! And that would make perfect sense becauseeverybody knows that girls who fuck on camera for money arealways fantastic actressess! Duh! And the phrase 'cheesy pornvideo' is just Hollywood hatin on all that natural actingtalent!

Just look at the sampling of girls below that were banged in thebangbus, if this weren't real these girls would all have shinyOscars on their mantles (if they had mantles) [figure 2a-h].
3. Why didthe Server use to be soo slow and go down all thetime?
Let me tell you, alot of people tried to keep the best pornsite onearth down, mostly a bunch of middle east extremists that did notwant me redefining entertainment [figure3a]. Unfortunately they succeded, the server was down allthe time and Bangbus was known as the only Pornsite in existencethat was Open 9-5, monday to friday. This started to really piss meoff, people couldnt get as much porn as before...and by porn I meanGOOD PORN [figure 3b]. Like clockwork, those bastards tried hijacking my server, but this time, Ihad a little surprise for them, the kind that fires off 60 roundsper second. It was an insane fire fight, I managed to wound one ofthe crazies and this taught them not to fuck with my server again[figure 3c]. Actually we were down b/cmore people visit this website than just about anywhere else, so weeventually hired a really cool guy and he fixed everything[figure 3d].
4. Who thefuck are you guys anyway?
BangBus bangbus中国图片
I might not be the best looking guy in the world but the ladieslove me! [Figure 4a]. I have to wearthis neat helmet because it keeps the voices out. When the voicesget in, I forget to film that week and I even remove updates andpeople dont like that. Sometimes to girls I say really screwed upthings and people question how I was raised, I assure you I wasbrought up 100% perfectly normal [Figure4b]. The only Traumatic event I can remember is the time Iwalked in to my brothers room to see him exercising naked withanother man. [Figure 4c] He assuredme, it was perfectly natural and that all guys exercise togetherlike that. It took me about 4 years, but I finally realized he wasa colon puncher.
5. So whatnow?
We ride on. New girls banged every week, new HO certificationsgiven out all over the place. And we even got a new tagline:'Bangbus, its whats for dinner'. Ciao.


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