Mortgage,Charge,Pledge,Lien翻译辨析 charge和mortgage







Difference Between Charge, Mortgage andPledge

Charge vs Mortgage vs Pledge

Charges, mortgages, and pledges are quitesimilar to one another in that they are all security interests thatbanks use to provider lender with security over the borrower’sassets. There are, however, a few differences between them in termsof the ownership of the asset when loans are taken out and thevarious properties of the assets that are being offered to securepayment. The article offers a clear explanation on all 3 terms andshows the similarities and differences between the two.


There are two types of charges; fixed chargesand floating charges. A fixed charge refers to a loan or mortgageof some kind that uses a fixed asset as collateral to secure loanrepayment. Fixed assets that can be used as collateral in a fixedcharge include land, machinery, buildings, shares, and intellectualproperty (patents, trademarks, copyrights, etc.). In the event thatthe borrower defaults on his loan, the bank can sell the fixedasset and recover their losses. The borrower/debtor cannot disposethe asset and the asset must be held by the borrower until thetotal loan repayment is made. A floating charge refers to a loan ormortgage on an asset that has a value that changes periodically tosecure loan repayment. In this case, assets that do not have aconstant value, or are not fixed assets such as stock inventory canbe used.

In a floating charge, the borrower has thefreedom to dispose of the asset (for example, sell stock) in thecourse of normal business activities. In the event that theborrower defaults on their loan, the floating charge freezes andbecomes a fixed charge, and the inventory left over from the timeof default cannot be disposed and will be used as a fixed charge torecover the outstanding debt.


A mortgage is a contract between the lenderand the borrower that allows an individual to borrow money from alender for the purchase of housing. Mortgages apply for propertythat is immovable such as buildings, land, and anything that ispermanently attached to the ground (this means that crops are notincluded in this category). A mortgage is also an assurance to thelender which promises that the lender can recover the loan amounteven if the borrower defaults. The home that is being purchased isoffered as security for the loan; which, in the event of default,will be seized and sold by the lender who will use sales proceedsto recover the loan amount. The possession of the property remainswith the borrowers (as they will usually reside in their home).


A pledge is a contract between the borrower(or party/individual that owes funds or services) and lender (partyor entity to which the funds or services are owed) in which theborrower offers an asset (pledges an asset) as a security to thelender. In a pledge, the assets will have to be delivered by thepledger (borrower) to the pledgee (lender). The lender will havelimited interest with regard to the pledged asset. However, thepossession of the pledged asset will give the lender legal title tothe asset and the lender has the right to sell the asset in theevent that the borrower is unable to meet his obligation.

What are the differences between Charge,Mortgage and Pledge?

Charges, mortgages, and pledges are allsecurity interests that banks use to provide a lender with securityover the borrower’s assets. A mortgage is different from a pledgein terms of asset ownership; in a mortgage the assets remain theproperty of the borrower, whereas in a pledge the assets will bedelivered to the lender (lender will have legal title to theassets). Charges and mortgages are quite similar to one another;especially, the fixed charge where fixed assets are offered ascollateral to secure loan repayment. Floating charges, on the otherhand, refers to a loan or mortgage on an asset that has a valuethat changes periodically to secure loan repayment. Anotherdifference is that, in a fixed charge, the assets need to bemaintained until the debt is repaid. In a floating charge, theborrower has the freedom to dispose of the asset (for example, sellstock) in the course of normal business activities; however, if theborrower defaults on the loan, the floating charge will freeze andwill be treated like a fixed charge until debts are recovered.


Charge vs Mortgage vs Pledge

• Charges, mortgages, and pledges are quitesimilar to one another in that they are all security interests thatbanks use to provide a lender with security over the borrower’sassets.

• There are two types of charges; fixedcharges and floating charges.

• A fixed charge refers to a loan ormortgage of some kind that uses a fixed asset as collateral tosecure loan repayment and the borrower needs to maintain the assetsuntil the debt is repaid and cannot dispose the asset until thetotal loan repayment is made. In the event that the borrowerdefaults on his loan, the bank can sell the fixed asset and recovertheir losses.

• In a floating charge, the borrower hasthe freedom to dispose of the asset in the course of normalbusiness activities and, in the event that the borrower defaults ontheir loan, the floating charge freezes and becomes a fixedcharge.

• A mortgage is a contract between thelender and the borrower that allows an individual to borrow moneyfrom a lender for the purchase of housing. The mortgages apply forimmovable properties and possession of the property remains withthe borrower. In the event of default, the lender will seize andsell the property and use sales proceeds to recover the loanamount.

• A pledge is a contract between theborrower and lender in which the borrower offers an asset (pledgesan asset) as a security to the lender. The pledger (borrower) willhave to deliver the assets to the pledgee (lender) and the lenderwill have legal title to the assets, and the lender has the rightto sell the asset in the event that the borrower is unable to meethis obligation.

• In a mortgage, the assets remain theproperty of the borrower whereas, in a pledge, the assets will bedelivered to the lender, who will have legal title to theassets.


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