到底用“content”还是“contents”呢? jquery contents




A. 几乎总是用contents的情况:

1.当contents指包、袋、箱子、容器等等内的“内容”时(the contents of abox, bag, bottle, building, or room…

…the contents of the chest proved themwrong.

Now cups say, "caution, contents are hot".

2.当contents指书或杂志的目录时(a list at the beginning of a book ormagazine)

I can't find it in the contents. (MacmillanEnglish Dictioanary)

B. 几乎总是用content的情况

用于名词之后指“容量; 含量”(amount of sth contained in sthelse):

the silver content of a coin硬币中银的含量(牛津高阶词典)

food with a high fat content 脂肪含量高的食物.(牛津高阶词典)

C. 既可以用content也可以用contents的情况(注:我的建议首先是依据原版词典的例句,其次是来自google和其他语料库里面用关键词搜索后所得的结果比较)

1. 都可以用,但建议用content

the content(s) of thewebsite/show/essay/meeting/article/one’s character

2. 都可以用,但建议用contents

the content(s) of the letter/document/

…he had managed to learn the contents of theletter by heart.
他已将信的内容记熟了。 (新概念英语第三册)





1. contents[pl] that which is contained in sth 所容纳之物; 所含之物; 内容:

the contents of a room, box,bottle, pocket 屋﹑ 盒﹑ 瓶﹑ 衣袋里的东西

* The drawer had been emptied ofits contents. 抽屉已经腾空了.

* She hadn't read the letter andso was unaware of its contents. 她没有看那封信, 所以不知道信的内容.

* At the front of the book is atable of contents, giving details of what is in the book.书的前部有目录, 详列了书中的内容.

2. [sing] that which is written orspoken about in a book, an article, a programme, a speech, etc (书﹑文章﹑ 节目﹑ 演说等的)内容:

The content of your essay isexcellent, but it's not very well expressed. 你那篇文章的内容好极了,但是表达方式不太好.

3. [sing] (preceded by a n 用於名词之後) amount of sth contained in sth else 容量; 含量: thesilver content of a coin 硬币中银的含量

* food with a high fatcontent 脂肪含量高的食物.


She hadn't read the letter and so was unawareof its contents. 她没有看那封信, 所以不知道信的内容.



the things that are written in a letter, booketc这个含义时用contents of


contents [plural] the things that are written ina book, magazine, letter, document, etc.:
The contents of the document remain secret.


If you refer to the content orcontents of something such as a book, speech, or televisionprogramme, you are referring to the subject that it deals with, thestory that it tells, or the ideas that it expresses.
*She is reluctant to discuss the content of theplay...
*The letter's contents were not disclosed.



A 几乎总是用contents的情况:

1当contents指包、袋、箱子、容器等等内的“内容”时(the contents of abox, bag, bottle, building, or room…

…the contents of the chest proved themwrong.

Now cups say, "caution, contents are hot".
到底用“content”还是“contents”呢? jquery contents

2当contents指书或杂志的目录时(a list at the beginning of a book ormagazine)

I can't find it in the contents. (MacmillanEnglish Dictioanary)

B 几乎总是用content的情况

用于名词之后指“容量; 含量”(amount of sth contained in sthelse):

the silver content of a coin硬币中银的含量(牛津高阶词典)

food with a high fat content 脂肪含量高的食物.(牛津高阶词典)

C 既可以用content也可以用contents的情况(注:我的建议首先是依据原版词典的例句,其次是来自google和其他语料库里面用关键词搜索后所得的结果比较)


the content(s) of thewebsite/show/essay/meeting/article/one’s character

2 都可以用,但建议用contents

the content(s) of the letter/document/

…he had managed to learn the contents of theletter by heart.
他已将信的内容记熟了。 (新概念英语第三册)


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.aihuau.com/a/25101015/278677.html


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