mywintervacation(我的寒假 winter vacation 教案

A few days ago in winter,my life is very dull. I stay at home formost of time,sometimes I stare blankly at the computer,baffling anddon't know what to do .My heart has been very low. Then I listen tomusic or the radio in the bed and read my favourite books.
Inever pick up again until my high school teacher told me thatsometimes choose to give up is in order to allow themselvestofly higher.I know better thanI have the personal needs of this sentence.He is my good friendforever...
mywintervacation(我的寒假) winter vacation 教案
Winterhalfway,I began to take heart.I began to st--udy according toplan.Morning reading English,does reading comprehension,and repeatto watch Anna.karenina and so on.
life is no longer made me feel flustered.I find enthusiasmtostudy.This vacation is aboutto let me regain a lost friendship.Let me learn how to enrich myown life.Then, with the warmth of a smile to those who need thewarmth of the peopie.
I think this vacation will not forget my whole life.All zero isequivalent to a fresh start——give you!


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