SAT最新写作例子之ChrisGardner 新sat写作模板

Chris Gardner has become famous for his miraculous life journeyfrom a vagrant to a reputed Wall Street stockbroker within dozensof years. Born in a poor fatherless family in 1950s, he triedmultiple ways to strive for a living by himself. He ever wanderedalong streets with his toddler son, and got put into jail, but henever quit his dream of being a stockbroker.

One of his words goes like this: “In the darkest moments of yourlife, the one who can help you is only yourself.” With an awarenessof the significance of tenacity and diligence, Gardner finally gota chance to be trained in a brokerage in spite that he did not haveany college diploma or experience. When he passed examinations andearned a license as a stockbroker, he was exhilarated. He just knewthat a promising future was awaiting him.

After he embarked on the track of stockbroking, things went muchmore smoothly. In 1987 he launched his own brokerage firm inChicago and soon developed into a millionaire. Recently besidesmanaging his firm and playing the role of a good father, he isdevoting to philanthropic undertakings in South Africa, hoping tohelp the poor to live better.






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