Xcode4DocumentTypesandExportedUTIs ios document types

I have an other problem with Xcode 4. I really like the new IDEbut there are a few things I didn't get to work yet. One thing isto register Document Types with Xcode 4. I tried it with the oldway through the plist file, but it didn't work. (Means I couldn'topen a file with my app) But I don't now how to set it up with theinterface of Xcode 4.

My latest try looks like this: (Copied the entry made from Xcodein the info.plist)

我有一个关于Xcode4的其他问题。我真的很喜欢这个新的IDE,但也有几件让我无法工作的事情。其中一件事情是通过Xcode4注册文件类型。我试图通过老办法定义plist文件,但是它不能工作。 (意味着我的应用程序不能打开一个文件),但是,我现在并不知道如何设置Xcode4的接口。

我的最新尝试看起来像这样:(复制在Info.plist Xcode中的条目)







This does not work. The file in Mail doesn't have the option toopen with my app.

Does anyone have a working example with Xcode 4 or a tutorialhow to do it. I don't have any further Idea how to get it work.




3 Answers

I think the role and the file extension are missing.
Xcode4DocumentTypesandExportedUTIs ios document types
If you want to specify a file exte————nsion, you need to addUTTypeTagSpecification:



<string>my documenttype</string>

For the role, you need to add CFBundleTypeRole:

关于Role,你需要添加CFBundleTypeRole KEY



爱华网本文地址 » http://www.aihuau.com/a/25101016/298291.html


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