Carpenters-closetoyou中英文对照歌词 ae中英文对照表

Why do birds suddenly appear / 为什么鸟儿忽然出现   
Every time you are near / 每一次你靠近时  
Just like me, they long to be / 就像我一样,它们一直盼望着   
Close to you / 靠近你   
Why do stars fall down from the sky / 为什么星星从夜空坠落  
Every time you walk by / 每一次你走过时  
Just like me, they long to be / 就像我一样,它们一直盼望着   
Close to you / 靠近你   
On the day that you were born / 你出生的那一天   
The angels got to-gether / 天使们聚集在一起   
And decided to create a dream come true / 决定创造一个成真的美梦 
So they sprinkled moon dust / 所以他们喷洒月亮的纤尘  
In your hair of gold / 于你金色的头发上   
And starlight in your eyes of blue / 于你澈蓝的眼眸中 点缀了星辉   
That is why all the girls in town / 这就是为什么镇上所有的女孩  
Follow you all around / 都环绕着你   
Just like me, they long to be / 就像我一样,她们一直盼望着   
Close to you / 靠近你   
On the day that you were born / 在你出生的那一天   
The angels got to-gether / 天使们聚集在一起   
And decided to create a dream come true / 决定创造一个成真的美梦   
So they sprinkled moon dust / 所以他们喷洒月亮的纤尘  
In your hair of gold / 于你金色的头发上   
And starlight in your eyes of blue / 于你澈蓝的眼眸中 点缀了星辉   
That is why all the girls in town / 这就是为什么镇上所有的女孩   
Follow you all around / 都环绕着你   
Just like me, they long to be / 就像我一样,她们一直盼望着   
Close to you / 靠近你   
Just like me, they long to be / 就像我一样,她们一直盼望着   
Close to you / 靠近你


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Carpenters-closetoyou中英文对照歌词 ae中英文对照表

Why do birds suddenly appear / 为什么鸟儿忽然出现   Every time you are near / 每一次你靠近时  Just like me, they long to be / 就像我一样,它们一直盼望着   Close to you / 靠近你   Why do stars fall down from

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