BernardMadoff charles ponzi

Bernard Madoff, history’s biggest swindler, faceslife behind bars

SURELY a drama thisdark deserved a more explosive finale. A previous wave of financialfraud produced many an entertaining courtroom battle, featuring thelikes of Enron’s Jeffrey Skilling and Tyco’s Dennis Kozlowski. ButBernard Madoff has robbed the world of such a catharsis, just as herobbed almost 5,000 credulous clients of billions of dollars. OnThursday March 12th he pleaded guilty in a Manhattan court to 11 charges, ranging from securities and mailfraud to money laundering and perjury. Together they carry amaximum jail term of 150 years, leaving the 70-year-old “MonsterMensch” all but certain to spend the rest of his life behindbars.

The fraud hemasterminded was remarkable for its scale, longevity and thesophistication of its victims: hedge-fund founders, Swiss banks andmovie moguls, as well as charities and small investors, some ofwhom put in their life savings. The charge sheet confirms that heran a Ponzi scheme of unprecedented boldness, dating at least asfar back as the 1980s. Mr. Madoff claimed to achieve healthy,stable returns through a whizzy stock- and options-tradingstrategy. In reality, there was no trading for well over a decade.Money from new investors was used to cover redemptions for oldones. It was that simple and brazen.

The fraud was biggerthan the $50 billion Mr. Madoff originally claimed to have lost. Onpaper, he had $65 billion in client accounts just before he wasarrested in December, say prosecutors, who are claiming aneye-popping $171 billion in restitution.

But there nowappears to be little left for investors who stuck with him: acourt-appointed liquidator has so far recovered just $1 billion.Even Charles Ponzi’s victims got a third of their moneyback.

Mr. Madoff’s guiltyplea is especially anticlimactic because he has apparently refusedto co-operate with investigators, leaving many a loose thread. Fewbelieve that he acted alone, but identifying those who colluded,and how, is proving difficult.

Friends andrelatives who helped to run the firm remain under scrutiny. Junioremployees were apparently made to generate fake trade confirmationsand monthly statements, though it is not clear if they knew theywere partaking in a fraud.

Mr. Madoff creamedoff commissions from his investment business to support hisshare-trading operations. But how much he kept for himself isanyone’s guess.

The drama hasseveral more acts. Those who channelled investors’ money to Mr.Madoff, such as his now notorious “feeder funds”, face years oflitigation as victims go after those with deep pockets.

Some conduits, suchas Santander, a Spanish bank, have already offered partialreimbursement. Lawyers are also targeting investors who withdrewtheir funds (plus fictional interest) before the fraudster’sarrest. Whether that includes the charity that withdrew $90m morethan it paid in remains to be seen.

Seething victims andpundits have variously denounced Mr. Madoff as a “terrorist”, a“financial serial killer” and, most cuttingly, a “turd”. For now,they will have to make do with seeing him locked up without thefireworks of a trial, still guarding his biggest secrets. To hopefor more may only court further disappointment.

Bernard Madoff,历史上最有名的骗子,将面临牢狱生活。

一部黑色的戏剧必然会有一个让人振奋的结局。前一阵子的金融诈骗狂潮已经将法庭闹得沸沸扬扬, 其中的代表人物有Enron’s Jeffrey Skilling、Tyco’s DennisKozlowski。但Bernard Madoff让那些案件显有些小巫见大巫了,他诈骗了5000名轻信他人的顾客数亿美圆。3月12日周四,他在Manhattan的一个法庭上对11项指控认罪,这些指控涉及了有价2,邮件诈骗,洗钱和作伪证。把这些指控全加起来的话,他将面临为期150年的牢狱生活,差一点就把这个70岁的“金融骗子”的余生全部葬送在铁窗之下了。









BernardMadoff charles ponzi



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