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If eight of the Contracting parties be prevented from executingthe contract by such events of Force Majeure as war,serious flood,fire, typhoon and earthquake,or other events agreed upon betweenboth parties ,the term for the execution of the contract shall beextend for a period equivalent to the effect of such events.


The prevented party shall nnotify the other party of theoccurrence of the Force Majeure events by telex or E-mail withinthe shortest possible time and shall send by registered E-mail,within 14 days thereafter ,to the other party for confirmation bythe other party.


Should the Force Majeure events last for more than one hundredand twenty consecutive days ,both parties shall , throughconsultations , decide wether to terminate the contract to exemptthe part of obligations for impl ementation of the contractaccording to the effects of events on the performance of the thecontract.



Signed in Shanghai ,China this 29th day of May., 1998in duplicate in English and Chinese languages,both texts beingequally authentic.

The annexs as listed in Article 19 to this contract shall forman integral part of this contract.bbbbbbbbbbbbb


The documents shall be held by the issuing bank at the disposalof the seller.


Nonperformance by party A; nonperformance by party B.


The amount of compensation is dependent on thecurrent production status.


Damages for breach of contract by one party consist of a sumequal to the loss, including loss of profit,suffered by the otherparty as a consequence of the breach .

Such damages may not exceed the loss which the party in breachforesaw or ought to have foreseen at the time of the conclusion ofthe contract , in the light of the facts and matters of which hethen knew or ought to have known ,as a possible consequence of thebreach of contract.


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.aihuau.com/a/25101016/313210.html


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