AlienShooter 孤单枪手 资料片2:TheExperiment

这是[Alien Shooter][孤单枪手][Sigma-Team]1.2的资料片2:TheExperiment

Day after day, the hope for human survival is fading. Half of theEarth surface is inhabited by the monsters. Now people have todwell in specially made fortified settlements. Here they live,work, study, grow children and... invent new ways to fight thealiens...
Now theleading scientists of Earth are working on creation of the newmonster species, which should stop the invasion! Will thescientists succeed? Can their plans be realized, or this can causeeven a larger disaster?
In the newpart, you will find:
- 5 new missions
- new music tracks
- new type of monsters
- monster boss
- new objects
Also, afternumerous customer requests, we have added ability to choosedifficulty level. Now, after installng this add-on, you can selectdifficulty to match your skills.

安装顺序:先安装:Alien Shooter1.2,再安装:Alien Shooter - Fight ForLife,最后安装:Alien Shooter - The Experiment。

[AlienShooter][孤单枪手][Sigma-Team]1.2资料片1-The Experiment下载(提取码 05dcf8f9)


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