美国内战之石壁将军杰克逊之死 阴阳师石壁在哪打





















The South Wins a Battle, but Loses StonewallJackson  

In theearly weeks of eighteen sixty-three, the American Civil War took anew political direction. President Abraham Lincoln had announcedthe Emancipation Proclamation. That measure freed the slaves in therebel states of the South, though Lincoln's words fell on deafears. Yet no longer was the Civil War a struggle just to savethe Union. It had become a struggle for human freedom. There was achange on the military side of the war, too. President Lincolnnamed a new commander for the Union's Army of thePotomac.This was the force that would try againto capture the Confederate capital at Richmond, Virginia. This weekin our series, we describe events during the spring of eighteensixty-three.

General Joe Hooker

General Joe Hooker was the newcommander of the Army of the Potomac. He replaced General AmbroseBurnside, when Burnside suffered a terrible defeat atFredericksburg, Virginia, at the end of eighteen sixty-two.Burnside had replaced General George McClellan, when McClellan keptrefusing to obey President Lincoln's orders. Hooker had one hundredthirty thousand men. They were well-trained and well-supplied. TheConfederate force opposing Hooker's was under the command ofGeneral Robert E. Lee. Lee had only about sixty thousand men. Theydid not have good equipment. And their supplies were low. But theirfighting spirit was high. They had defeated the Union army before.They were sure they could do it again.

Lee's army still held strongdefensive positions along high ground south of Fredericksburg. Thiswas almost halfway between the capitals of the opposing sides:Washington and Richmond. General Hooker did not plan to make thesame mistake which General Burnside made at Fredericksburg.Burnside had thrown his army against Lee's defensive positions sixtimes. Each time, the Confederates pushed them back easily. In oneday of fighting, more than twelve thousand Union soldiers werekilled or wounded. General Hooker had rebuilt the Army of thePotomac. Now he was ready to carry out his plan against GeneralLee. Hooker left half his men at Fredericksburg, in front of Lee'sarmy. He would move the other half into position behind Lee's army.If Lee turned to meet him, the troops at Fredericksburg wouldattack. The Confederate army would be caught between two powerfulforces. Lee would have to withdraw, or lose his army.  

Hooker moved around past the end ofLee's line. Then he turned and started marching back behind it. Itwas a hard march through thick woods, and across rough hills andvalleys. The country was so wild that it was called the wilderness.On the last day of April, eighteen sixty-three, the Union forcereached Chancellorsville. Chancellorsville was a crossroads nearthe edge of the wilderness. The next day, the soldiers would be inopen country. There, General Hooker could make the best use of hismen. Hooker was extremely pleased.Everything wasgoing as he had planned. He told his officers: "I have Lee in onehand and Richmond in the other." The next day,Union soldiers began moving out of Chancellorsville and thewilderness. They did not get far. They ran into several thousandConfederate soldiers. Lee had sent them to slow the Union force. 

The Confederate force was weak.General Hooker's officers believed they could smash through itwithout difficulty. They did not get a chance to try. Hooker sentnew orders: break off the fight. Return to Chancellorsville. Put updefensive positions. Hooker's officers were shocked. Theyprotested. Hooker stood firm. He said, "Lee must fight me on my ownground." Robert E. Lee could not understand whythe Union force had returned to Chancellorsville. But he was happyit did. Now he had time to prepare his men for battle.

The last meeting of Robert E. Leeand Stonewall Jackson

Lee met that night with his topgeneral, Stonewall Jackson. They discussed the best way to attackthe Union force. The center of the Union line was strong. The rightside was not. Jackson was sure he could get around behind it. Leeasked Jackson how many men he would take. "All of them," Jacksonanswered. "Twenty-eight thousand." This meant Leewould have only fourteen thousand men to face General Hooker. Ifthe Union force attacked before Stonewall Jackson got intoposition, Lee could not possibly hold it back. Lee was taking ahuge chance. He thought about it for a moment. Then he told Jacksonto get started.

Jackson's men began to leave thenext morning. Union soldiers watched as they marched away. GeneralHooker thought Lee was withdrawing. It took Jackson only half a dayto get behind the Union force. He spent a few more hours puttinghis troops into position. Then he attacked. It was six o'clock inthe evening. The right end of the Union force was not prepared foran attack. The soldiers could not believe their eyes when they sawConfederate troops running out of the woods behind them. Many Unionsoldiers were killed or wounded. Thousands fled. The sun went down.The fighting continued under a bright moon. The Confederate troopskept moving forward. The Union troops kept falling back. Onenorthern soldier wrote later: "Darkness was upon us. Jackson wasupon us. And fear was upon us."  

Jackson seemed to be everywhere. Herode his horse among his men, urging them forward. He would not letthe Union force escape.  

The Battle ofChancellorsville

As Jackson and some of his officersrode into a cleared area of the woods, shots rang out. The bulletscame from Confederate guns. The Confederate soldiers thought theywere firing on Union officers. Jackson fell from his horse. Twobullets had smashed his left arm. Another bullet had hit his righthand. He was hurried to the back of the line. A doctor quickly cutoff his left arm and stopped the heavy bleeding. Jackson seemed toget better. Then he developed pneumonia. He was unconscious most ofthe time. He seemed to dream of battle, and shouted commands to hisofficers. Then he grew quiet. He opened his eyes and said, "Let uspass over the river and rest in the shade of thetrees." The great Confederate General, StonewallJackson, was dead.  

While Jackson lay dying, the battleof Chancellorsville continued. Robert E. Lee's Confederate army wasmuch smaller than Joe Hooker's Union army. But for five days, Leekept part of his army moving between Chancellorsville andFredericksburg. Wherever the Union army attacked, Lee quickly addedmore men to his lines. The Union army could not break through. Thefighting was taking place on the south side of the RappahannockRiver. The Union army's supply lines were on the north side. Springrains were beginning to make the Rappahannock rise. General Hookerdid not want to get trapped without food and ammunition. So heordered his men back across the river.

The South had won the battle ofChancellorsville. Robert E. Lee was sure of that. Once again, hehad forced back the Army of the Potomac. But the Union army was nothurt seriously. New soldiers would soon take the place of thoselost in battle. Lee, however, would find it more difficult toreplace his soldiers. The South was running out of manpower. EveryConfederate army needed men -- more and more men. Yet fewer andfewer southern boys were willing to become soldiers. Anti-warmovements were, in fact, active in both the North and South. Therewere a number of protests against the military draft. Some turnedviolent. In the North, a political party was created to oppose theCivil War. Leaders of this peace party were called Copperheads.They got the name because they wore a copper penny showing thehead of an Indian.

That will be our story in our nextprogram on the Civil War.



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塞缪尔·杰克逊 超级特工塞缪尔杰克逊

塞缪尔·杰克逊(英语:Samuel L.Jackson,1948年12月21日-),知名美国黑人演员及监制。最广为人知的作品有《侏罗纪公园》、《低俗小说》和《星球大战前传I》、《II》及《III》

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