AninterestingEnglishstory an interesting trip

Duringthe Chinese new year in Nanyang, I always put an English story bookin my pocket while I go to see my relatives. I don't like gambleeven if playing cards with a little money. But some of my relativeslike to play gamble games. So while they are playing cards withmoney,I always read my English story book. Ha! up to now I haveread 70 English stories already. Here is a very interestingstory:

AninterestingEnglishstory an interesting trip

A clever boy

Thisstory happened in a small town near London. In this small townthere lived an old woman.Her son worked in London.

Oneday,the old woman wanted to go to London to see her son.She got upearly and reached the small station at nine o'clock in themorning.Because this was her first trip to london,she didn't knowthe train time.She was very worried.

Just atthat moment,she saw a little boy running towards her. She stoppedhim and asked him what time the train would arrive and when thetrain would leave for London.

Thelittle boy looked at the woman,and said [ tu: tu: tu: tu: tu: tu:],Then he ran away.

The oldwoman was very surprised and got very angry. She thought andthought. At last,she began to smile,shouting,"What a clever boy! Hehad told me the train time in such a way."

Fivehours later,after she got on the train she was still thinking ofthe clever boy.

Do youlike this story? Do you know what meanthat theboy said?


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