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爱的老师Teachers of Love

I have had so many teachers in my life, but those I have valued most are the teachers who taught me about love.

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The person who smiles happily when they drop money in a charity box is a teacher of love.


The child who offers laughter and hugs more freely than an adult is a teacher of love. The person who gives corn to starving deer and feeds hungry birds with seeds in winter is a teacher of love. The big dog who shares half of its food and place in the doghouse with a little puppy duanwenw.com on a cold night is a teacher of love. Everyone who spends their lives sharing great love through countless acts of kindness is a teacher of love.


You can be a teacher of love too. You can be a person who gives encouragement and joy to soul in need. You can be a person who cares for a sick friend, comforts a hurting heart and shares cheer fullness and kindness with everyone everywhere. You can be what life wants you to be—a teacher of beauty, glory and unconditional love.



快乐时刻Glorious Moments

Today has been full of glorious moments. It started in the morning when we were able to catch the fantastic sunrise nature provided for us.


The pink, red and purple made the clouds come alive with colour and beauty. The golden sun coming over the mountains indicated that great joys were coming.


The moments continued with hugs and kisses from family members. Then they kept on coming as we sang joyful songs and shared a laugh with friends on our way to school. The moments carried on when we held our parents’ hands as we took an evening walk. Life is full of glorious moments.


They brighten our days and make our lives a wonderful adventure in love and joy. There is a reason why we can’t remember every second of our lives. It is because we are meant to live in the moment, the wonderful moment which can’t be bogged down in our past mistakes or in our future expectations.


We all have our glorious moments, and we can make the world a better place.



爱与帮助Love and Support

From time to time, part of human nature is to be critical and competitive in a way that isn’t beneficial to your soul.


Feelings of exhaustion brought by comparing can be really hard to escape from. If you have ever felt this way, I want you to know that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. That light is support.


When you feel yourself being critical and judgmental, switch over to the bright side by giving support. When you catch yourself doing this, make yourself aware of the feeling, which actually stops the negativity by immediately pouring your energy into something loving and positive.


Actively give other people your support. Tell others how much you believe in them and how much you appreciate them. If you’re alone, then write letters to let them know. It could be someone you love or someone you don’t even know, but you should believe in what they say and what they do.


Giving love is the best way to receive love in return. When the negativity creeps in, push it out by loving and supporting others.



爱华网本文地址 » http://www.aihuau.com/a/251061/581562711.html


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