小学生经典幽默小故事 经典幽默英语小故事阅读



I was surprised to learn that my 72-year-old mother dared to drive 900 miles in a 12-year-old car to visit me.When asked how she made out,she told me just fine...until her second night. She had filled the gas tank and didn't have the money for a motel room.


"What did you do?"I asked.


" Well,"she began,“I was driving through this small town and feeling very sleepy. A policeman pulled me over and asked if I had been drinking. When I told him no,he wanted to know why I was weaving all over the road,I explained my situation,’‘Follow me,”he ordered.We then drove to a motel where the nice officer paid for my night's lodging.


"As he was leaving,"Mother continued,”he turned to me and said,I Ma'am,the next time you have to visit your daughter,please take another route.'”



A boy of about ten was sitting on a city bus with a briefcase on his lap. Periodically the youngster would whisper into his coat. A woman passenger caught his eye with a quizzical look and,in response,the boy produced a small white mouse from his shirt pocket.”He's just a baby."explained the youngster. "His parents are in here. "Opening his briefcase,he brought forth a pair of slightly Larger. white mice from among a dozen or so that scurried around inside. By this time several other passengers had formed an audience, and the boy patiently explained his interest in mice,how to take care of them, their eating habits, their different personalities and so on.


As the bus pulled up to his stop,the boy slipped the mice back into his briefcase and rose to leave his rapt audience. Starting down the steps,he turned back for a moment.


"They are for my snake. "he said and disappeared out of the door.


A woman complained that her husband constantly hung around the house,doing or saying nothing. To please her, he went to see a psychiatrist.“Just lie down on the couch and we'll talk. "the doctor told him. "If you think of something to say, fine. If not,maybe next time.”


The guy got himself comfortable and fell fast asleep. At the end of the hour,the doctor woke hirn up and said,"That will be all for today—$100,please. "The patient paid and left.


The man came back every Tuesday and Thursday after that. Each time,he fell asleep without saying a word,but paid the fee. The third week, the patient came in,sat down and then jumped right up again."Aha,", marveled the doctor. "Have you thought of something to say?"


"Yes,do you need a partner ?"


小学生经典幽默小故事 经典幽默英语小故事阅读

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