marina and diamonds Marina And The Diamonds - Forget 歌词

歌手介绍:Marina And The Diamonds是名来自英国威尔士的女歌手,从小便在音乐上拥有写作的天赋Marina自在BBC 2010年年度新声上获得亚军后便开始崭露头角,同年更获得了MTV欧洲音乐奖最佳英国新人奖和被提名全英乐评人选择奖。

Marina And The Diamonds - Forget Lyrics/歌词

Sometimes I think I'm not that strong

But there's a force that carries me on

Sick of my small heart, made of steel

Sick of those wounds that never heal

marina and diamonds Marina And The Diamonds - Forget 歌词

'Cause I have lived my life in debt

I've spent my days in deep regret

Yeah, I've been living in the red

Oh, 'cause I can't forgive and I can't forget


Forget, forget, forget

Ain't no time to regret

Yeah, it's time to forget

Ever since I can remember

Life was like a tipping scale

Like an abacus I played with

Counting every win and fail

'Cause I have lived my life in debt

I've spent my days in deep regret

Yeah, I've been living in the red

But I wanna forgive and forget

Forget, forget, forget

Ain't no time for regret

Yeah, it's time

To be letting go

Oh baby, you know

What I'm talking about

Got nothing to lose and nothing to prove

Oh baby, I'm bowing out

Yeah, I've been dancing with the devil

I love that he pretends to care

If I'll ever get to heaven

When a million dollars gets you there

Oh, all the time that I have wasted

Chasing rabbits down a hole

When I was born to be the tortoise

I was born to walk alone

Forget about it

Forget about it

Forget about it

Forget, forget, forget

Ain't no time to regret

I'm gonna leave the past behind

I've had enough, I'm breaking free

No pressing stop, erase, rewind

That chain of thought that followed me

I've put my money where my mouth is

For the first time in my life

I've made mistakes, but I believe that

Everything was worth the fight

'Cause in the end, the road is long

But only 'cause it makes you strong

It's filled with peaks and twists and turns

Sometimes you have to learn to forget about it


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