幼儿教师说课稿范文 教师招聘英语语法说课稿范文



Unit10 If you go to the party, you'll have a great time!

Grammar focus 3a-3c

Good morning, judges. I'm number 1. It's my great honor to stand here to share my lesson here. The topic of this lesson is “If you go to the party, you’ll have a great time ” section A grammar focus 3a-3c. According to the New Curriculum Standard, I will begin interpreting my teaching design from the several parts such as analysis of the teaching material, teaching difficult and important keys , teaching procedure and so on.

Ⅰ. Analysis of the teaching material

Firstly, please allow me to talk about the analysis of the teaching material. This lesson is chosen from PEP English book of junior high school, the first semester of grade8, Unit 10. The main grammar of this unit is simply future tense “if ”Conditional Sentence. After students finished this lesson, they could understand the usages of “if” Conditional Sentence, judge in the case of hypothesis, predict the outcome of things.

Ⅱ. Analysis of the students

Students in the Eighth grade have study English more than a year, according to the teaching requirements,students observe some objects and phenomena, and can steadily learn the targeted content over a long period of time. In general learning activities, the focus of the observation time has a tendency to extend along with the rise of grade. As improving the abilities of accuracy observation and generality, they can catch the main characteristics of things to analysis comprehensively and profoundly, and proper judgment, inductive and deductive.

Ⅲ. Analysis of the teaching aims

The new education pointed out, Students are the main body of the classroom. So I set following aims:

Knowledge aim:

1) Master the new word: upset, taxi, advice

2) grasp “if ”Conditional Sentences

3) know the function of “if…will…” for predicting the result of the things

Ability aim:

Use “if ” Conditional Sentences to improve abilities of listening, speaking, writing for communication

Emotional aim:

Students get rich imagine, give advice for others.

幼儿教师说课稿范文 教师招聘英语语法说课稿范文

爱华网本文地址 » http://www.aihuau.com/a/224861/202197645.html


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