LullabyforLucas lullaby

The night hascome now
The sun has gone to rest
LullabyforLucas lullaby
All birds stop singing, hiding in their nest
The stars are sparkling in the deeply sky
For the man in the moon hill can hear the tide inside

Hush now baby, it's time to go to sleep
Mummy and Daddy have counted all the sheep
Hush now baby, don't you cry
Mummy and Daddy are always by your side

The playground to still now
Shadows dance around
Raindrops are falling softly to the ground
Tomorrow's waiting for some that in her hand
More time to play and draw pictures in the sand

Hush now baby, it's time to go to sleep
Mummy and Daddy have counted all the sheep
Hush now baby, don't you cry
Mummy and Daddy are always by your side

那么真实又虚幻的感觉分不清楚到底是现实还是梦境虽然一早就知道自己肯定会被录取但是当自己亲手拿到通知书的那一刻所有的汗水和努力全都值得虽然很高兴但还是有点小小的遗憾因为我们一起搭乘的列车 到站了你们到站了而我将一个人独自前行我记得那个和我一起疯的晶晶一起在楼梯上写满自认为很有哲理的句子一起下课了以光速冲进厕所一起上课的时候传纸条一起狂笑那些我们认为很好笑却不好笑的事情一起去补物理结果一起考了一个B等一起浪费了那用来补习的五百块还有和胡总一起拼拼图结果才刚刚开始就想放弃因为她家的拼图真的好大我还记得胡总过生日的时候我跟她送了一条纯白色的围巾陪她剪头发谢谢你们在我要放弃的时候陪在我身边支持我谢谢你们在我最无助的时候陪在我身边帮助我谢谢你们在我最沮丧的时候陪在我身边鼓励我谢谢你们短短三年我们之间却拥有这么多的回忆不知道等我们老了以后会不会回想起这段美好的时光这个美丽的梦那些远去的岁月那些无忧的日子我将好好珍藏


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