


THE IMPORTANCE to us as Christadelphians of ourteaching on God-manifestation and its distinctiveness ishighlighted in the following comment from the writings of BrotherL. G. Sargent:


“God’s manifestation of Himself in the Angels, inHis Son, and ultimately in those ‘many sons’ who are to be ‘broughtunto glory’ is of the essence of God’s redemptive work. It was partof the belief set forth by Dr. John Thomas in his rediscovery ofBible teaching as a body of revealed truth. and while much that hetaught may be found also in earlier writers this doctrine may beregarded as his most distinctive contribution. It is vital to rightunderstanding of the Godhead, the relation of Father and Son andthe purpose of God with man. It is the true alternative to thedoctrine of the Trinity, and where it is neglected there is adanger of Christadelphian teaching becoming so over-simplified thatit brings Christ down to a lower level than the Scriptures wouldhave us give him, and may even veer towards Unitarian orAdoptionist conceptions of him”.

“神在天使、他的儿子,最终在那些即将‘归荣耀给他’的‘众多子民’中的显现是神救赎工作的精髓。这是约翰·托马斯博士(Dr.John Thomas)在他对圣经教导的发现中作为被揭示真理的一部分而阐述的部分信仰。虽然他所教导的大部分内容在早期作者的作品中也能找到,但这一教义可以被认为是他最独特的贡献。它对神性,天父和人子的关系,以及神对人的目的的正确理解至关重要。它真正取代了三位一体的教义。无视神的显现,就会让基督弟兄会的教导变得过于简单,以至于把基督看得低于圣经向我们所展示的高度,甚至可能偏向一位论[2]或嗣子论[3]这一危险。”[4]

God-manifestation is truly the fundamental purposeof God, the expression of Divine attributes in His creation. Whileit is founded upon the teaching that “God is”, and that His will isto go on creating, it underlies and weaves together all otheraspects of the Truth of God. All things, we are told, were createdfor God’s pleasure: “Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory andhonour and power: for Thou hast created all things, and for Thypleasure they are and were created” (Rev. 4:11).


Sometimes the theme is neglected, although, ofcourse, many of its sub-themes are widely promoted in their ownright. But it ought to be recognised as a part of our distinctiveteaching. Although much of the Bible teaching involved inGod-manifestation is often appreciated without the use of thelabel, it helpfully centres attention on the concepts as a group.This theme is immensely far-reaching in its scope, running deeplynot only into all other doctrinal issues, but also into manyexpositional areas which pass beyond the limits of essentialprinciple yet are extremely valuable for all that. In a singlearticle we are forced to confine ourselves to the most basicaspects of God-manifestation.(Footnote2)


The nature of God

God is not an abstraction to be defined bytheologians or philosophers, but is real and personal, to be knownin His works and His words. Occasionally this is direct, as when hespoke to Christ (Mt. 3:17; Jno. 5:3712:28). but more frequently itis through intermediaries—His angels, His prophets, or His Anointed(Christ)—who have spoken to men on His behalf. Everywhere presentby His Spirit, God is the source and sustainer of all. That is, Heis the Creator of all, and underpins all that exists:



1 Corinthians 8:6: “but to us there is but oneGod, the Father, (out) of Whom are all things”;

Acts 17:28: “for in Him we live, and move, andhave our being”;

Romans 11:36: “For (out) of Him, and through Him,and to Him, are all things: to Whom be glory for ever”.




In the Biblical view created things emanate fromthe focus of God’s power, personality and intelligence; and so theSpirit that is God is local and forms a body. This implies His substantial (or corporeal) nature. Butcreated things are kept in being by His power, that is, the Spiritwhich belongs to Him, which radiates throughout creation andthrough which He is omnipresent.

“God is spirit”, but this does not mean that He isunsubstantial; rather, that He is of spirit- substance. The teaching of Paul that all things are “out ofHim”, the One Source, means that they are not made out of nothing,as frequently taught by ‘Christians’. It supports the conclusionthat He Himself is substantial, and denies the teaching of immanentphilosophy that the person of God is distributed through allcreated matter.

Christ is “the image of the invisible God”, “theexpress image of His person” (Col. 1:15; Heb. 1:2,3). For this tobe true the Father must have body and form, contrasting with theteaching of the first of the Church of England’s “Thirty-nineArticles” of religion, which says that he is “without body, partsor passions”.

The Scriptures teach that God dwells in heaven inlight inaccessible to mortal man; He cannot be present in the earthin the same way as He dwells in light, and therefore His personexists locally, having body and form(Footnote3):

1 Timothy6:16 “dwelling in the light which no man can approachunto”

Psalm104:2“Who coverest Thyself with light as with a garment”

1 Kings8:30“hear Thou in heaven Thy dwelling place”

Matthew6:9“our Father which art in heaven”

Mark16:19“he (Jesus) was received up into heaven, and sat on the righthand of God”

See alsoLuke 1:19, Ecclesiastes 5:2 and Psalm 102:19,20.











That the invisible God is real, having body andform, is confirmed by the promise that glorifiedmanwillsee Him, thoughman cannot now: “Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall seeGod” (Mt. 5:8). On the other hand He is also everywhere present byHis Spirit: “Whither shall I go from Thy spirit? or whither shall Iflee from Thy presence?...” (Ps. 139:7); “Do not I fill heaven andearth?” (Jer. 23:24).

Passages such as the first five above are negatedby ideas of immateriality or of the distribution of personality andintelligence throughout the universe. These ideas tend not torecognise the separation between God and man caused by Adam’s sin.They are encouraged by a false belief in the immateriality (as wellas immortality) of man’s soul as a part of God’s nature.



Character and attributes of God

As we read the Bible we discover that there isnone like God in His abilities: He is all-powerful, almighty,eternal, immutable, omniscient, omnipresent, invisible,unsearchable, incomprehensible, and supreme in wisdom and glory.God possesses supremely the qualities of holiness, justice,faithfulness, truth, mercy, goodness, and love. He is glorious,gracious, longsuffering, compassionate, great, righteous, upright,light, perfect, incorruptible, and a consuming fire. He is jealousof His glory being given to another. He functions as the Disposerof events, the Judge of all, the Searcher of the hearts, theSaviour, Sanctuary and Refuge.

When the Lord stood with Moses on mount Sinai, Hewent on to proclaim the attributes belonging to Hisname:

“The LORD, the LORDGod,merciful and gracious, longsuffering, and abundant in goodness andtruth, keeping mercy for thousands, forgiving iniquity andtransgression and sin, and that will by no means clear the guilty;visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children, and uponthe children’s children, unto the third and to the fourthgeneration” (Ex. 34:5-7).





We have seen that man in his present state cannotapproach God in heaven His dwelling place. Paul continues: “...Whom no man hath seen, nor can see” (1 Tim. 6:16); and John says:“No man hath seen God at any time” (Jno. 1:18). But God desires toshow Himself to man, and needs to find some other way. He does thisby God-manifestation, and because this is the means by which manhas been able to ‘see’ God its importance to us isobvious.

God has revealed, is revealing, and will revealHis character and attributes in a wide variety of ways. Some of themore important we shall consider. What God is, or will be, isrevealed both in what He says and what He does.



Manifestation in angels

In Old Testament times the function ofGod-manifestation was performed by angels. They were God’s agentsin Creation (e.g. Job 38:7). They are not impersonal spirits, but“rejoiced”, themselves manifesting the character and the joy ofGod. Angels are not merely created for the occasion they appear,but are personal and immortal. Since the Creation they havedirected world affairs, and will continue to do so until Christchanges the present order. They watch over those who fear God (Ps.34:7). Since the creation of man through to the commencement of NewTestament times they have been God’s representatives or messengersto men, this being an aspect of ministering to the heirs ofsalvation. Even now they can be the messengers of His Son (Mt.13:41).

A function of certain angels was to carry the nameof God, Yahweh, representing and speaking for Him. And so the angelof the Lord that spoke to Hagar was called “the LORD” (Yahweh), andHagar herself called him “Thou God seest me”. Similarly, when threeangels looking like men visited Abraham, “theLORD(Yahweh) appeared unto him (Abraham) in theplains of Mamre” (Gen. 18:1). Moses had to promise the people ofIsrael that God would send an angel before them to keep them in theway. They were to “Beware of him, and obey his voice, provoke himnot; for he will not pardon your transgressions: for My name is inhim” (Ex. 23:20,21).




The name of God

The name and names of God are relevant to thetheme of God-manifestation. The point is that God is revealed inthe meaning of His name, as well as His name taking on asignificance from the attributes of the one whom it designates. Isit valuable to know the correct meaning of God’s name? It seemed tobe important for Israel in Egypt to know it, just as it seemed tobe important that Jesus was called by God’s own name (and his namewasprophetic,ofcourse).

As Moses was keeping sheep at Horeb, the mountainof God, the angel of Yahweh appeared to him in a flame of fire in aburning bush (Ex. 3:1,2; Acts 7:30). Like the other angels, hespoke as God: “I am the God of thy father, the God of Abraham, theGod of Isaac, and the God of Jacob” (Ex. 3:4,6). In a land of manygods it was important to know His name. God gives the name by whichHe is to be known: “I am that I am”, or “I will be Who I will be”(RSV). This was not telling them to mind their own business, butrather saying that God was self-determining and self-sufficient,and would act and manifest Himself.

It is clear that God is more than a God of thepresent; He is a God of the future, and so in Exodus 6:6-8, withfrequent emphasis on the word “will”, He associates His name withwhat He willdo forIsrael: He will certainly redeem them (cf. Mt. 22:32). The glory ofthe redemptive aspects of God’s name, His mercy and judgement, islater proclaimed before Moses (Ex. 33:18,19; 34:5-7).

Back in chapter 3 God derives from His name thenew form “I am (I will be)” and “Yahweh (He Who will be)” (vv.14,15).The last of these is the namenormally used for God in the Hebrew Scriptures, sometimes spelt inother forms, and in the AV usually substituted by the word ‘LORD’in large and small capitals.

The remainder of verse 15 is significant to thetheme of God-manifestation, since it speaks of the future (“forever”;), and links the meaning of the name as a memorial to thepromised birth of future generations for the Lord (compare Ps.22:30; 24:6; Hos. 12:5,6). The continuing light and burning of thebush without it being destroyed illustrates the future as well aspresent and past aspects of the nature and manifestation ofGod.







The cherubim

The appearance to men of God’s glory in thecherubim, sometimes literally, more often in vision, is importantfor study and meditation, as are their detailed forms and patterns.The simple principles of their symbology are all that we needhere.

In the first record (Gen. 3) a literal angelicrepresentation appeared, to protect the way of the tree of life.Angelic beings guarded the access and provided knowledge of the wayby which death-stricken man might attain the nature of the angels(Lk. 20:36), and so become themselves part of the cherubim,carrying and enthroning the glory of God. The cherubic symbolismappears again in the tabernacle, indicating God’s intention to bemanifested through descendants of Adam who have been perfected. Thedetails of the tabernacle and its service we are told symbolisedthings to come. They were “the patterns of things in the heavens”(not simply a depiction of the angels). So the use of cherubim onthe curtains, doors and walls signifies God’s future manifestationin the features typified, the human components of the spiritualtemple.

The glory of angelic manifestation appeared alsoin vision to the prophets Isaiah, Ezekiel and Daniel. In the NewTestament a similar manifestation appeared to John the Apostle(Rev. 4,5). Here the cherubic symbolsrepresentthe redeemedwhoare exalted in the earth and sing the new song (5:8-10). Christ isaccepted in the midst of the cherubic four beasts (5:6), which arethemselves amongst the singers of the song mentioned in the versesfollowing.

The cherubim, either when appearing literally asangels or in symbol, seem never to represent themselves, asmessengers of God, but teach of men’s current and prospectiverelationship with Him.






The Logos

“TheWord(Logos)was God”,says John in chapter 1 of theGospel.Logosis said torefer to collected thought normally expressed in speech.(Footnote4)The thought or mind of God was notonly expressed in speechasLogos,but culminatedin its expression in flesh. “The Word was made flesh” (1:14) in theperson of God’s Son, “the only begotten ... of the Father”(1:18).

·1:7-9 The light witnessed to was the manifestation of Godseen perfectly in Jesus when he came, being the brightness of God’sglory and the express image of His person (Heb. 1:3).

·1:14 The Word was made flesh and his glory was seen. Theglory of the light was revealed in moral attributes. This is to becompared with God’s glory seen by Moses (Ex. 33:19; 34:6). In Jesuswe see the expression of the Father’s name in human flesh. Inanswer to Philip Jesus said: “he that hath seen me hath seen theFather” (Jno. 14:9).

·1:16 We have received ofhisfullness;that is, wehave benefited from his perfection (Col. 2:9,10).

·1:17 Grace and truth came by Jesus Christ. He is theirembodiment, given directly by God, whereas the Law was an externalthing given through Moses. The Law came again, this time fulfilledin Jesus.

·1:18 Though no man has seen God, Who dwells both in thickdarkness and unapproachable light, “The only begotten Son, which isin the bosom of the Father, he hath declared Him”. Here isGod-manifestation clearly expressed.(Footnote5)



·1:14 道成了肉身,我们见过他的荣光。荣光在人的作为中显现。这是和摩西看到的神的荣耀作对比(出埃及记33:19;34:6)。在耶稣身上,我们看到神的名在肉身的显现。在对腓力的回答中,耶稣说道:“人看见了我,就是看见了父”(约翰福音14:9)。

·1:16 我们都领受了他的丰盛;也即,我们受益于他的完全(歌罗西书2:9-10)。

·1:17 恩典和真理都是由耶稣基督来的。他是两者的体现,直接由神赐予,而律法是神借着摩西所传的外部事物。如今,律法再次被赐下,由耶稣成全。

·1:18 虽然从来没有人看见神,他住在墨黑的幽暗里,也住在不能靠近的光中,但“在父怀里的独生子将他表明出来”。这是对神的显现清楚的表达。[10]

Developing God-manifestation inChrist

God manifested Himself in Jesus, not only by thetruth spoken, and by the wonders performed, but also by moralattributes displayed. He was the manifestation of the Word from hisvery origin as the Son of God to his ascension.

Biblical teaching that Christ is the Son of God,that is, that God was his Father (2 Sam. 7:14; Ps. 110:1; Mt.22:42-45), is expanded in more detail in another article.(Footnote6)By the overshadowing power of the HolySpirit he was born the Son of God (Lk. 1:35) and was thereforecalled Emmanuel, “God with us (Mt. 1:23).

From this necessary beginning he came to manifestGod in increasing degrees of glory as he developed to perfectionthrough the stages of his life. Thus we read that, though made inthe form of God, he did not grasp at equality with God as had Adamand Eve (Phil. 2:5-7). He went on to humble himself and becomeobedient unto death (v.8).

Because in his intellectual nature Christ was bothman from his mother and inherited from his Father a greaterresponse to the will of God, the process of development of theimage of God in him in response to the Word of God was similar butmore perfect than the same process at work in us. Hebrews 5:8teaches the same: “though he were a Son, yet learned he obedienceby the things which he suffered”; while Hebrews 2:10 says that hewas made perfect through suffering, showing willing acceptance ofhis role as a sacrifice and a representative man.

Finally, as a climax of the progression, Christhas been exalted in resurrection to Divine nature: “Thou art MySon; this day have I begotten Thee” (Ps. 2:7). The glory of theFather is seen in this too, for “God also hath highly exalted him,and given him a name which is above every name... that every tongueshould confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God theFather” (Phil. 2:9,11).

Thus Christ carries the name Yahweh (Isa. 45:23),and men bow to the Father through him. And so the names of God aregiven to the Son, the “righteous Branch” in prophecy: “and this ishis name whereby he shall be called, THE LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS(Yahweh-tsidkenu)” (Jer. 23:5,6).

Jesus came in God’s name—“I am come in my Father’sname” (Jno. 5:43)—carrying that name to men in hisministry.(Footnote7)He manifested that name (Jno. 17:6), andmade known (“declared”;) the name (v.26). The function performed inOld Testament times by angels in representing God to men was takenover by this representative of men. Now that Jesus has been given aname above every name, greater even than the angels (Heb. 1:4), heprovides a more powerful mediatorship than they.

A passage in 1 Timothy 3:16 summarises theglorious manifestation of God seen in Christ Jesus: “withoutcontroversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest inthe flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached untothe Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up intoglory”.










Manifestation in the saints

Since the first century there has been a shortageof visible manifestation of Divine glory. Even the angelic activityof Divine power, though still present, is in these days hidden. Butthe future manifestation of God in the saints will be a visiblemanifestation of Divine power. In Christ’s reign on earth thecharge and work of angels will be taken over by Christ and hisbrethren. Full dominion of man over the earth in fulfilment ofGod’s charge (Gen. 1:28) belongs to the perfect state of theresurrection, when man at last truly glorifies God.

The labour of Christ has been bringing many sonsto glory, as fullness and grace is extended to relate them to God(Heb. 2:10). Isaiah expresses it thus: “he shall see his seed... Heshall see of the travail of his soul, and shall be satisfied”(53:10,11). Sons of God are in the process of being created throughJesus who sanctifies. Jesus and they are “all of one” Father (Heb.2:11), and so are all brethren.

Adam was made in the image of God, that is, oftheelohim(or angels).But he fell from his position; and since then, apart from Christ(Heb. 1:2,3), man has not displayed the image of God.

The idea of man having a Divine essence withinimplies that man is inherently a manifestation of God’s character.The creation of God-manifestation in him is thereby madeunnecessary. On the other hand, a realisation that man is dying,corrupting, and of himself without hope, leads us to recognise thata manifestation of God must be created.

Our God is a God of the living. If He istruly our God it follows that our creation as sons must becompleted by resurrection, so that we become gloriousmanifestations of Him (Mt. 22:31,32).







Manifestation of God in men now

There is a more limited sense inwhichmortalmen can beScripturally taken for manifestations of God. After the pattern ofIsrael’s rulers, men appointed to administer the Word of God arecalled ‘gods’; theyareelohim(Ex. 21:6, cf.RV; 22:8, cf. RV; v.28), as Jesus explains in John 10:34-36(quoting Ps. 82). If it is true of the judges of Israel, then theapostles and Spirit-gifted brethren also qualify, being in receiptof God’s Word and ministers for the world.

The application of Psalm 82 by Jesus to thecontemporary rulers of Israel implies that in these days, thoughour authority is so much weaker than the spirituals of the firstcentury, receipt of the Word still gives us responsibility tomanifest God in the world. By the Divine power of the Word webecome “children of the most High”.

If we have been buried in baptism, but have risenwith Christ (Col. 2:12), we have “put on the new man, which isrenewed in knowledge after the image of Him that created him”(3:10). We have become “conformed to the image of (God’s) Son, thathe might be the firstborn among many brethren” (Rom.8:29).

Another important aspect of the revelation of Godin the saints is based on them being viewed as the perfectecclesia, the body of Christ (see Eph. 5:23-32). The type of thewoman taken out of Adam is used as the basis for this figure, andthe ecclesia is regarded as one flesh with Christ (Gen. 2:24; Eph.5:31,32). The saints are not to be viewed purely as individuals inrelationship with Christ and the Father, but they form one body (1Cor. 12:12,13,27; Gal. 3:28; Eph. 4:12), each member havingresponsibility towards the others. With Christ as their head (Eph.5:23) they become part of the name of God, to His glory.






Manifestation of the saints inglory

This corporate man in Christ is now being createdof dust, that is, of flesh. When its members achieve theresurrection to a “spiritual body” in the “Divine nature”, then thebody will live as the ‘multitudinous Christ’ in glory.

This creature earnestly waits for deliverance fromcorruption and for “the glory which shall be revealed to us-ward.For the earnest expectation of the creation waiteth fortherevealingof the sons of God ...” (Rom.8:18-21, RV). This unity of the glorified body of Christ, “thefulness of (Christ) that filleth (them) all in all”, is in mindelsewhere too (Ps. 8:4-9; Eph. 1:18-23). As the spiritual Jerusalemshe will take the name of her husband, “TheLORDour righteousness (Yahweh-tsidkenu)” (Jer.33:15,16; cf. 23:5,6 and Rev. 3:12).

The study of God-manifestation in man is greaterthan man himself.It should induce grateful humility in the student.God’s purpose in Creation is brought to fruition in Hismanifestation, the full blossoming of which is promised inassociation with the completion of the work of Christ in subduingall enemies, when it is rather enigmatically described as God being“all in all” (1 Cor. 15:28). He is to be both the source of all andmanifest in all. This is the manifestation of God’s name in glory.But today we must wait with our souls yearning for Him: “In thepath of Thy judgments, O LORD(Yahweh), we waitfor Thee; Thy memorial name is the desire of our soul” (Isa. 26:8,RSV).






1.TheChristadelphian,vol. 104, 1967, p.453.

2. There are a number of books providing a deeperlook, suchasPhanerosisby JohnThomas andTheophanyby C.C. Walker, and many articles for those willing to search pastmagazines.

3.SeePhanerosis,pp. 25-7,1954 edn.;ChristendomAstray,lect. VI.

4. See, for example,Thayer’sGreek-English Lexicon.

5. In contrast, the idea of the Trinity leads to awrong idea of God-manifestation, that is, the literal seeing of GodHimself. This contradicts Bible teaching that no man has seen Godat any time. Just as belief in the immortality of the soul makesthe Bible teaching of man’s bodily resurrection unnecessary, sobelief in the pre-existence of Christ makes God-manifestation, thedeclaration of God or of His name, unnecessary, since, according tothis erroneous view, men have actually seen the Godhead.

6. See also H. Tennant, “The nature of Christ”, inthis issue, p.234.

7. For the significance of the name Jesus see J.Nicholls, “The Atonement”, in this issue, section 6,p.238.

[1]Article from The TestimonySpecial Issue, The Distinctive Beliefs of TheChristadelphians, Vol. 58, No. 691, July 1988, Pages 223-228. 本文摘自《见证》杂志特刊《基督弟兄会独特的信仰》,第58期,总第691期,1988年7月,第223-228页。



[4]TheChristadelphian,vol. 104,1967, p. 453.

[5]There are a number of books providing a deeperlook, suchasPhanerosisby JohnThomas andTheophanybyC. C. Walker, and many articles for those willing to search pastmagazines.有很多书籍可提供更深入的了解,诸如约翰·托马斯所著《神的显现》(Phanerosis),沃克(C.C.Walker)所著《神之显现》(Theophany)以及过期杂志中的很多文章。

[6]SeePhanerosis,pp.25-7, 1954 edn.;ChristendomAstray,lect. VI.参看《神的显现》,第25页第7行,1954年版;《基督教的偏离》,第六讲。


[8]神的名‘耶和华’在英语里作‘Yahweh’,钦定圣经版里用大写的‘LORD’,也有英文版圣经作大写的‘GOD’,中文和合本圣经中有时做‘ 神’,在‘神’字前有空格(对照脚注13),译者注。

[9]See, for example,Thayer’sGreek-EnglishLexicon.参看,例,赛耶《希腊语英语词典》。

[10]In contrast, the idea of the Trinity leads to a wrong ideaof God-manifestation, that is, the literal seeing ofGod Himself. This contradicts Bible teaching that no man has seen God atany time. Just as belief in the immortality of the soul makes theBible teaching of man’s bodily resurrection unnecessary, so beliefin the pre-existence of Christ makes God-manifestation, thedeclaration of God or of His name, unnecessary, since, according tothis erroneous view, men have actually seen the Godhead.与之相反,三位一体的思想导致了对神的显现的一个错误观念,就是,真正看见神自己。这和在任何时候都没有人能见神的面的圣经教导相违背。就像相信灵魂不死让人的身体复活的圣经教导束之高阁一样,相信基督的先存也让神的显现,神或神的名所做的宣告成为空谈。因为,据这个错误观点来看,人已经见到神了。

[11]See also H. Tennant, “The nature of Christ”, inthis issue, p.234. 参看哈里·田纳特所著《基督的本性》,本期杂志,第234页。

[12]For the significance of the name Jesus see J.Nicholls, “The Atonement”, in this issue, section 6,p.238.关于耶稣的名的意义,请参考约翰·尼克尔斯所著《赎罪》,本期杂志,第六部分,第238页。




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