法国小天后Alizee 法国小天后

随后,Alizee推出了首张专辑《Gourmandises》,在全球创下400万张的销量,Alizee也因此赢得了M6音乐大奖与NRJ音乐奖所颁发的“法国最有前途新人奖”等大奖。2006年Alizee翻唱麦当娜1986年《TrueBlue》专辑中西班牙曲风的单曲,一首《la islabonita》虽翻唱自麦当娜的旧曲,但一经她的嗓子便让人顿觉新意,有一种完全不同的感觉。


Last night I dreamt of San Pedro (昨晚梦回圣佩德罗) 
just like i'd never gone, i knew the song(仿佛我仍身处那里,熟悉的乐曲) 
a young girl with eyes like the desert(姑娘那沙漠般无边深邃的双眼) 
it all seems like yesterday, not far away(一切犹如昨日重现) 
tropical the island breeze(热带海岛的微风啊) 
all of nature, wild and free(风情万种,狂野奔放) 
this is where i long to be(我梦寐以求的) 
la isla bonita(风光旖旎的海岛啊) 
and when the samba played(当桑巴舞曲响起) 
the sun would set so high(艳阳普照) 
ring through my ears and sting my eyes(萦绕耳畔,舞蹈让人眼花缭乱) 
you spanish lullaby(你西班牙的小夜曲) 
i fell in love with san pedro(圣佩德罗,我爱上了你) 
warm wind carried on the sea, he called to me(海上吹来和煦的风,他呼唤着我) 
te dijo te amo(西班牙语"他说他爱你") 
i prayed that the days would last They went so fast(我祈祷时光永驻,时光却飞逝而去) 
tropical the island breeze(热带海岛的微风啊) 
all of nature, wild and free(风情万种,狂野奔放) 
this is where i long to be(我梦寐以求的) 
la isla bonita(风光旖旎的海岛啊) 
and when the samba played(当桑巴舞曲响起) 
the sun would set so high(艳阳普照) 
ring through my ears and sting my eyes(萦绕耳畔,舞蹈让人眼花缭乱) 
you spanish lullaby(你西班牙的小夜曲) 
i want to be where the sun warms the sky(我想去那阳光普照的海岛) 
when it's time for siesta you can watch them go by(午睡时分,你会发现帅哥靓妹们从你眼前走过) 
beautiful faces, no cares in this world(他们无忧无虑) 
where a girl loves a boy(女孩在这里爱上男孩) 
and a boy loves a girl(男孩也在这里爱上女孩) 
last night i dreamt of san pedro(昨夜梦回圣佩德罗) 
it all seems like yesterday, not far away(一切犹如昨日重现) 
tropical the island breeze(热带海岛的微风啊) 
all of nature, wild and free(风情万种,狂野奔放) 
this is where i long to be(我梦寐以求的) 
la isla bonita(风光旖旎的海岛啊) 
and when the samba played(当桑巴舞曲响起) 
the sun would set so high(艳阳普照) 
ring through my ears and sting my eyes(萦绕耳畔,舞蹈让人眼花缭乱) 
you spanish lullaby(你西班牙的小夜曲) 
tropical the island breeze(热带海岛的微风啊) 
all of nature, wild and free(风情万种,狂野奔放) 
this is where i long to be(我梦寐以求的) 
la isla bonita(风光旖旎的海岛啊) 
and when the samba played(当桑巴舞曲响起) 
the sun would set so high(艳阳普照) 
ring through my ears and sting my eyes(萦绕耳畔,舞蹈让人眼花缭乱) 
you spanish lullaby(你西班牙的小夜曲) 
you spanish lullaby(萦绕耳畔)

法国小天后Alizee 法国小天后


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.aihuau.com/a/25101014/207758.html



周末理应是休息、礼拜的日子,因为上帝、安拉创世纪都用6天,第7天休息。最早把神的作息制度写成宪法的,是犹太人出埃及的《摩西十诫》(TheTen Commandents)。为了永生不忘,犹太把所有男婴的小jj在出生第8天环切,称为割礼。根红苗壮,从娃娃

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