冷战的序幕—丘吉尔铁幕演说 丘吉尔的铁幕演说



冷战的序幕—丘吉尔铁幕演说 丘吉尔的铁幕演说


Churchill Fulton speech (March 5,1946)

"The United States is the highest in theworld at the moment the pinnacle of power. Democracy to the UnitedStates, this is a solemn moment. With the largest force, which isto have the awesome responsibility of the future. Sigu look, younot only feel that has made Obligations, also are worried, I amafraid that after the success may not be able to achieve such ahigh level. I am to you the two countries, now have an opportunityhere, a clear, dazzling opportunities. If rejected, neglected , Orwaste this opportunity, we will be blamed for the long-term futuregenerations.……

"When the United States military personnelin the position of a serious situation, they used to in theircommand of the head to write on 'comprehensive strategic conceptof' words. This is wise, because it can become clear thinking. So,what Today we are to be inscribed for a comprehensive strategy isthe concept of «It should not be lower than in all places all themen and women of all households in the safety and well-being andfreedom and progress.……

"To the families of these numeroussecurity, we must protect them so that they are not two terriblepredators - war and tyranny - a violation.……

"…… To prevent the main purpose of thiswar, have established a world organization.…… We must be sure thatall this: it is the outcome of the work, it is a reality and not anillusion, it is a Kind of action forces is not only the emptylanguage, it is a real peace of the Palace and have Raorao quarrelis not only a venue……

"However, I have a clear and practicalrecommendations for action to put them forward. Palace and theChief Executive has not Xianli local soap and officials can notact. Therefore, we must immediately proceed to the United Nationswith an international armed forces. On this issue, Can only step bystep, but we must from now begun to do so. I propose, should beinvited to a big country and every other member states sent acertain number of Air Force squadrons, for the worldwide serviceorganization. Squadron of these will be their training andpreparation, but States stationed in the rotation. They dressed intheir uniform, wearing different insignia. Can not ask them fortheir own national operations, but in other areas will be subjectto this world body's command. This approach can be carried outsmall-scale, it As our confidence in the growth and expansion.After World War I, I do hope that this step, I believe that nowwould immediately do so.

"However, if the United States, Britainand Canada are now jointly control the manufacture of atomic bombsecrets entrusted to knowledge and experience in this era is stillin its infancy worl dwide, Markov wrong and reckless. If despitethis knowledge in secret This is still unrest and lack of unity ofthe world's natural development, it is evil mad.……

"Now I mentioned a threat to families andordinary people Maoshe The second danger, that is tyranny. We cannot ignore the fact that the United States and the British Empireof individual citizens everywhere will enjoy the freedom, in aconsiderable number of countries is not Exist, some of which is avery powerful country. In these countries, various all-inclusivegovernment of the people of the police to impose control, tooverwhelm all the principles of democracy and contrary to theextent or some dictator, or well-organized oligarchic Group,through a privileged party and a political police force,unrestrained exercise of the country's power in this more difficultyears, our responsibility is not to interfere with the use of forcewhere we have not conquered the country's internal affairs However,we must not give up the courage to promote freedom of tone in thegreat principles and fundamental human rights. Those of the commonheritage of the English-speaking world, following the Magna Carta,the Bill of Rights, habeas corpus, jury trial system, and theBritish common law, they Also in the U.S. Declaration ofIndependence in the performance by the world-famous.

"Stop here, it is clear that we arecompletely identical. Now, when we are still pursuing acomprehensive strategy to achieve this concept of the way, I wouldlike to talk about this trip to discuss the key issues. I have notcalled the English national Hand, Foot and compatriots in the samejoint and effective prevention of war and the continued developmentof world organizations are impossible. This is a joint Commonwealthand Empire on the one hand and the United States of America on theother to establish a special relationship now is not empty talk ofa general Time, I would like to clearly talk about.

"Fraternal joint requires not only our twohuge, the blood ties between the social system there is a growingfriendship and mutual understanding, but also for the two militaryadvisers continue to maintain close contact in order to jointlystudy the potential dangers. Weapons The similarities anddifferences, training materials, and military academies in theexchange of military officers and students of the problem. Itshould also include joint use of the two countries in various partsof the world master of all sea and air bases, so that the existingfacilities continue to be used for the purposes of common security.……

"The victory of the allies soon just beenlit up by the earth, has cast a shadow. No one knows, the SovietUnion and its communist international organizations intend toGanxieshenme in the near future, and their tendency to preach andexpansion in the limit Where, if there are endless words. For thevaliant Russian people and I Marshal Stalin's wartime partners, Igreatly admire and respect. In the United Kingdom - I have no doubtthat here is the same - people of the Russian people of all ethnicgroups Have sympathy and goodwill, determined to withstand allkinds of differences and setbacks, and establish a lastingfriendship.

"We understand that Russia needs thesecurity of its western border to avoid recurrence of Germany'saggression and we welcome it occupies in the country in the worldhave the right to occupy the position. In particular, we welcomethat, in the Russian people and both sides of the Atlantic IBetween the peoples of the regular continuous, frequent and growingnumber of contacts, but I have the responsibility to Europe on thecurrent situation facing some of the facts before you."From theBaltic Szczecin Side Ding [] to the Adriatic side of Trieste, anIron Curtain across the European continent have landed down in thisline of the rear, is located in Central and Eastern Europe'sancient capital. Warsaw, Berlin, Prague, Vienna, Budapest,Belgrade, Bucharest and Sofia - all in the city and its residentsare all within the Soviet sphere of influence, not only in one formor another Succumbed to Soviet influence, but also by Moscow'sincreasingly high-pressure control. Only Athens, with its enduringradiation brilliant, in Britain, the United States, the threecountries observed the law, the freedom to determine itsfuture.

"Russia's domination by the Polishgovernment was encouraging the implementation of large tracts ofGerman territory, not just the occupation, is a sad, less than thesize of the dream to millions of German groups to deportation. Inall these Eastern European countries The original very smallCommunist Party, has risen to the same far from proportionate totheir membership of the dominant, the status of power everywherefor totalitarian control. Almost everywhere, are the police got theupper hand. To present it Apart from Czechoslovakia, there is notrue democracy."Turkey and Persia [Iran] are for the Moscowgovernment to put forward their demands and the pressure exerted onthem and feel great panic. Based in Berlin, the Russians are tryingto by the left-wing leadership of the shielding in their occupiedterritories of Germany The establishment of a prospective CommunistParty. Last year in June at the end of the fighting, the U.S. andBritish forces in accordance with previous agreements, nearly 400miles from a wide front, dismantling the West, in some places up to150 miles deep. So let Russia Chinese occupation of the Westerndemocratic countries to attack down the vast land.

"Now, if the Soviet Union the governmentis trying to act alone, in their region to establish apro-Communist Germany, Britain and the United States on theoccupied territories will create serious difficulties, given thedefeat of Germany to the Soviet Union and the Western democraticcountries between auction Shill bidding power. These are the facts.Whether we get what conclusions, it is certainly not our armedstruggle to establish the liberation of Europe, nor is it anecessary condition for lasting peace in Europe.

"In front of the Iron Curtain acrossEurope, there are other worrying factor. Italian Communist Party asthe Communist Party to support the training of Marshal Tito on theAdriatic Sea before the top of the Italian territorial demands, aserious constraint. Despite So, Italy or uncertainty. Again, therejuvenation of Europe, if not a strong France, this isinconceivable. In all my public life, I always make for a strongand work in France, even in the darkest Days, I do not have thefate of its loss of confidence. Now will not lose theirconfidence.

"However, far away from the Russianborder, across many countries around the world, the Communist Partyof fifth column has been established. It absolute obedience fromcommunism and the command center, fully coordinated with the work.Apart from the Commonwealth and the United States -- Where thecommunist movement is still infant era - the Communist Party, thatis, around a fifth column of Christian civilization of theincreasingly serious provocation and dangerous. This is no victoryin the next day should Jisong some of the bleak facts. This Avictory by the fighting and in the cause of freedom and democracyin the form of the profound friendship of comrades-in-armsrelationship. If we do not also time to take the time to addressthese facts, it is ill-advised.

"…… I do not believe that the Soviet Unionwant war. They want to get the fruits of war, and their powers andin the unlimited expansion. Therefore, while today it is not toolate, we are here to consider a permanent halt War and as soon aspossible in all countries to create conditions for freedom anddemocracy issues.

"The difficult and dangerous turn a blindeye will not solve the problem; stand by and do not solve theproblem; taken appeasement policy, but also of no avail. What isneeded now is to make arrangements to solve the problem. The longerthe delay, the more difficult, the more we risk Large. During WorldWar I to our friends and allies in Russia's observation of theimpression that I firmly believe that they are admirable is thestrength, and they look down on most of the military weakness. Forthis reason, the old balance of power theory NA has. Could havebeen avoided if so, we can only have a small can not stand in thecase of room for work, thus providing a trial of strength betweenthe temptation. If the Western democracies solidarity, adherence tothe principles of the United Nations Charter, then Theirimplementation of these principles influence will be enormous, noone will be offensive to them, but if they fall apart, in theimplementation of their duties without mercy, if this criticaljuncture for the mixed over the past few years in vain, then wereally are To be destroyed in the catastrophe.

"The last time, I have seen war come totheir own compatriots and the world outcry, but people are TingbuJin. Almost to 1933 and even 1935, perhaps also to Germany from itlater fell on the head of the terrible Save fate, so that we allcategories from Hitler to impose the suffering.

"In all of history, not a war that notlong ago on the planet than many reduced to ruins of vast areas ofthe war, more easily and timely action be stopped. It could havenot been stopped a shot on the living, while Germany Could havebeen so far is a strong, prosperous, respected country, but no oneTingbu Jin. So all of our countries, one after another have beeninvolved in the midst of the terrible.

"We are sure that things must not repeatitself. This can be achieved only by doing so: in the present, thatis, in 1946, under the authority of the United Nations in general,on all the issues with Russia reached a good understanding and,through this World body, the world speak English Contact region allits full support so that the good understanding in many peace inthe years continue.

"Please do not the British Empire and theFederation's ability to adhere to underestimate.…… If the U.S.population, coupled with the English Federation of the population,coupled with this partnership involved in the air, sea, science andIndustrial cooperation in various aspects, it will not appearunstable, precarious balance of power, and adventurers can not helpbut result careerist.…… If the British all moral and materialstrength and conviction, with all your strength and faith Fraternaljoint together, then not only will we, for our era, but also forall people, for the next century, bringing a broad future, it isundoubtedly clear of. "


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