Mycollegelife my college life带翻译

As we all know college life is the best memories in one'slife.

Somepepolesay college life is full of freedom andfun,others say colllege life is so boring.In my opinnion,colegelife is colourful and meaningful.

I amproud of my college life.Five years ago,I enterthe college my life hasdramatically changed.It's the golden time in my life.

It is my best momory in my life.Istill remember the first day at college,to be frank,I was a shygirl.At beginning of my college,I didn't talk to others,I can adatpthe new environment.I was so confused that I don't what to do.Atthat monent,I was just like a missing bird,I can't find myway.

When I was in trouble,mydear teacher MS.Zhang give me a lot of help.She was the firstEnglish in my college.She often encourages me to do a lot ofthings.She has given me a deep impressin.Today I still remember herwords clearly,She said quietly:You are no longer a kid,you havegrown up,you should learn to independent.Just believein yourself,tomorrow is another day.With the helpof my dear,I walked of troubles.Since her words touched me deeply,Ihave become strong and indepedent.At that moment I said to myself:Iwant to change my life.I want to let my college remeber me.I wantto improve my stituation.

Inorder to learn English I often get up early,just practice English.Ibelieve:" practicemakes perfect."Sometimes I makea study plan so as to enrich my college life.I tried to practiceagain again,therefore I can speak a very fluently English.Datingback to my college life,I am satisfied with it.During thisperiod,I met a lot of teachers and friends.Theyoften give me a lot of love and help.To be honest,I am verygrateful to them.Because of them,I feel on the top of theworld.Because of them I will keep on going.Because of them.I haveconfidence in my future.Actually I am unwillingto leave my college.Including:every part,every teacher,everyschoolmate every flower,every tree.I am proud ofbeinga college student,where I accomplished mydream.I am proud of being acollege student I haveleft my footprints here.I am proud of a being student,I havebenefited a lot.

My friends,Iwant to tell you college life is the best memory in one'slife.Fromnow on -take action.Iwould like to give you some advice:first set agoal then take actions.You'd better make use of the timeduring your college.You canhandle everything.Learn to strong,learn to beindepedent.

Road belongs to strong-walk step bystep,finally you will achieve success.You can do everything aaasyou like.Believe in yourself.Let's join hands to create a bringtfuthure.


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