
Social logic as business logic:guanxi, trustworthiness, and the embeddedness of…

WK Chung, G Hamilton - … and Networks: The LegalCulture of …, 2001 -
11 Social Logic as Business Logic: Guanxi,Trustworthiness, and the Embeddedness of Chinese Business PracticesWAI-KEUNG CHUNG AND GARY G. HAMILTON Abstract This chapter exploresthe nature of Chinese business practices by looking at their socialfoundations. We argue ...
被引用次数:24 - 相关文章

The roles of xinyong andguanxi in Chinese relationshipmarketing

TKP Leung, K Lai, RYK Chan, YH … - European Journalof …, 2005 -
Findings – This study finds that Western suppliers must becompetent in product knowledge, market development, and adaptationto buyers' requirements to resolve conflicts in order to establishtheir xinyong with the buyers. Competence allows suppliers to showpsychological ...
被引用次数:26 - 相关文章 - 所有 4 个版本

Is Guanxi (relationship) a bridge to knowledgetransfer? [PDF]
B Ramasamy, KW Goh, MCH Yeung - Journal of Business Research, 2006- Elsevier
Guanxi is the lifeblood of Chinese businesscommunities, and frequently acts as a lubricant of businessactivities. In this paper we explore the role of this specialrelationship in knowledge management by examining the relationshipbetween inter-firm knowledge transfer and...
被引用次数:23 - 相关文章 - 所有 4 个版本

Institutional holes and job mobilityprocesses: Guanxi mechanisms in China's…

Y Bian - … : Institutions, culture, and thechanging nature of guanxi, 2002
EMERGENT LABOR MARKETS Yanjie Bian China's economic transitiontoward a market-oriented system should give rise to alegal-rational logic

Gift Giving, Guanxi and Illicit Payments inBuyer–Supplier Relations in China: …

A Millington, M Eberhardt, B Wilkinson - Journal ofbusiness ethics, 2005 - Springer
ABSTRACT. This paper explores the relationship between gift giving,guanxi and corruption through a study of therelationships between UK manufacturing compa- nies in China andtheir local component suppliers. The analysis is based oninterviews in the China-based oper- ...
被引用次数:23 - 相关文章 - 所有 6 个版本

Preventing rickets in locally appropriate ways: a case report fromNorth China

MA Strand, G Peng, P Zhang, G Lee - InternationalQuarterly of …, 2002 - Baywood
A rickets prevention program was carried out in Shanxi Province,China using locally appropriate methods. At the end of two andone-half years, the prevalence of rickets was 18% lower in programtownships (56%) than in a control township that had no ricketsprevention program (74%). ...
被引用次数:9 - 相关文章 - 所有 3 个版本

[引用] BuildingGuanxi across the straits: Taiwanese capital andlocal Chinese …

Y Hsing - Ungrounded empires: The cultural politicsof modern …, 1997
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Guanxi and the realities ofcareer development: a Chinese perspective

J Li, PC Wright - Career Development International,2000 -
Understanding and utilizing guanxi presents acontinuing challenge for western firms in China. This articlereviews current research, highlighting two different types ofguanxi:
person-to-person and firm-to-firm. Based on interviews with 43Chinese managers, it is ...
被引用次数:22 - 相关文章 - 所有 5 个版本

Guanxi vs. relationship marketing: Exploringunderlying differences

CL Wang - Industrial Marketing Management, 2007 -Elsevier
The present paper attempts to explore the underlying mechanismbetween Western relationship marketing and Chineseguanxi by examining the construct equivalence ofthe two concepts. First, it distinguishes guanxifrom relationship marketing in terms of the personal and...
被引用次数:22 - 相关文章 - 所有 4 个版本

The dynamics of guanxi in Chinese hightech firms:Implications for knowledge …

PP Fu, AS Tsui, GG Dess - Management InternationalReview, 2006 - Springer
■ This paper employs multiple theoretical perspectives – resource-and knowledge- based views as well as social network theory – toexplore the dynamics of guanxi in the context ofChinese entrepreneurial firms. ... ■ We propose adynamic model and offer multiple propositions...
被引用次数:27 - 相关文章

Socialexchange in China: the double-edged sword ofguanxi

DE Warren, TW Dunfee, N Li - Journal of BusinessEthics, 2004 - Springer
ABSTRACT. We present two studies that examine the effects ofguanxi on multiple social groups from theperspective of Chinese business people. Study 1 (N = 203) tests thedifference in perceived effects of six guanxicontextualizations. Study 2 (N = 195) examines the duality ofguanxi ...
被引用次数:22 - 相关文章 - 所有 6 个版本

[引用] Producingguanxi

AB Kipnis - 1997 - Duke University Press
被引用次数:22 - 相关文章

[PDF] The Institutional Economics of legalinstitutions, Guanxi, and Corruption in…[PDF]
M Schramm, M Taube - Corruption: Its Realities in Asia, 2002 -Citeseer
1 See, for example, Agence France Press (2000a) 'China SentencesTop Lawmaker to Death for Graft', in, downloaded on02.08.2000; ibid. (2000b) 'Chinese Official Sentenced to Death forCorruption', in: ...
被引用次数:21 - 相关文章 - HTML 版 - 所有 7 个版本

[引用] American public relations networkingencounters China's guanxi

CA Hackley, Q Dong - Public Relations Quarterly,2001 -
... Further reproduction prohibited without

Cultural awareness in knowledge transfer to China—The role ofguanxi and mianzi

PJ Buckley, J Clegg, H Tan - Journal of worldbusiness, 2006 - Elsevier
This paper examines cultural awareness in knowledge transfer toChina. The concepts of guanxi and mianzi arefundamentally important in understanding cultural interactions inChina. These concepts, generally analyzed at the personal level,are extended here to relationships ...
被引用次数:22 - 相关文章

Guanxi, politicalconnections, and expropriation: The dark side of state ownership…[PDF]
YL Cheung, L Jing, PR Rau, A … - Journal of Political …, 2005
Page 1. Guanxi, political connections, andexpropriation: The dark side of state ownership in Chinese listedcompanies ... Page 2. Guanxi,political connections, and expropriation: The dark side of stateownership in Chinese listed companies Abstract...
被引用次数:18 - 相关文章 - 所有 8 个版本

… and workers: Confucian authority chains andguanxi as social networking

J Hong, Y Engestrom - Management CommunicationQuarterly, 2004 -
AUTHORS'NOTE: We would like to thank Charles Conrad, Ted Zorn, andthe three anonymous
reviewers for their insightful and constructive comments. We alsowant to thank the research group at the Center of Activity Theoryand Developmental Work Research in Finland and...
被引用次数:20 - 相关文章 - 所有 2 个版本

Corporate Governance in China-Is Economic Growth Potential Hinderedby Guanxi

UC Braendle, T Gasser, J Noll, B Strasse
*until July 31st, 2005:Department for Business Administration,University of Vienna. from August 1st, 2005:School of Law,University of Manchester ... ‡ Department forBusiness Administration, University of Vienna ...# Corresponding author: Bruenner Str. 72, 1210...
被引用次数:19 - 相关文章 - 所有 4 个版本

[引用] Expressionsof interest: Friendship and guanxi in Chinesesocieties

A Smart - The anthropology of friendship,1999
被引用次数:19 - 相关文章

[引用] Networkingguanxi

B Wellman, W Chen, W Dong - … , culture, and thechanging nature of guanxi, 2002
被引用次数:16 - 相关文章

Mineralogical and geochemical evidence for coupled bacterialuranium …

C Cai, H Dong, H Li, X Xiao, G Ou, C Zhang -Chemical geology, 2007 - Elsevier
Unusual mineral structures have recently been found in asandstone-hosted roll-type uranium deposit in the Middle JurassicZhiluo Formation in the Shashagetai deposit, the northern Ordosbasin, NW China. The structures possess a chemical composition andcrystal structure ...
被引用次数:8 - 相关文章 - 所有 6 个版本

… : The significance of structural positionin assessing the importance of guanxi in…

D Guthrie - … , culture, and the changing nature ofguanxi, 2002 -
Guthrie In earlier work, I have taken the position that theimportance of guanxi in China's...
被引用次数:17 - 相关文章 - 所有 2 个版本

[引用] Guanxi in trust: An indigenous study ofChinese interpersonal trust

S Peng, 彭泗清 -
Item Metadata (Short). Title, Guanxi in trust : anindigenous study of Chinese interpersonal trust....
被引用次数:17 - 相关文章 - 网页快照

[引用]Guanxi and the Chinese art of network building

M Chen - New Asia Review, 1994
被引用次数:17 - 相



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